How to start? The first paragraph is always the most important as it leads the reader into wanting to continue reading, wanting to discover what is in store in the paragraphs to follow.
|Dentist |
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|The mere mention of her name sends chills down my spine, strikes fear in my eyes and envelopes me in goose bumps. Doctor Gigi White. |
|Even writing that name down gives my body the shivers. Doctor White is wicked to the bone and will stop at nothing when it comes to |
|destroying a teenager’s social life. She is responsible for overloading our mouths with metal so painful and horrid that it turned |
|Janice Falters, once the most beautiful girl in school into a famous ‘geek’. That’s right, Doctor White is the dentist. The only one in|
|the whole neighbourhood and thus, the one that everyone has to turn to for their dental consultation. |
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|Time |
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|It waits for no man, it is precious, and it is cruel. I’m talking about time – something created by God that became a fundamental aspect|
|in all our lives. Unfortunately though, I wish time never existed. I wish I live in an alternate universe where time is nothing but a |
|myth, a story told to scare young children. You see, time took away from me