1.0 General Introduction
The researcher has overtime realized that Uganda has challenges in the political communion. Well, politics is meant for a happy and virtuous life of the citizens of the country and it would mean the aiming at a given good (National Cake) (Miller, 2011). However, in some ways we have moved beyond the virtuous life especially in the well-being of the political community and that of the citizens who make it. Many Ugandans have involved themselves in politics, but some have not had a good or safe landing yet some others are happy and living a joyous life since they are involved in politics. This has created a situation of satisfactory and dissatisfaction at the same time a result of inefficiency among the citizens.
What is the problem then? Very important yet ignored, is the issue of the common good which is meant to benefit Ugandans as citizens, talked about by Aristotle as the “Eudaimonia” in which each and every man(citizen) must participate in politics, if they are to be happy and virtuous(Miller, 2011).
This topic is in fact a contribution to politics, highlighting Aristotle’s Political Theory of the Causes and examining its application to Ugandan Politics and Politicians regarding political growth.
The topic is: The Application of Aristotle’s Political Theory of the Causes to the Current Political Situation in Uganda.
The choice of Aristotle’s Political Theory, aims at an examination of Uganda’s Political system as a process of the citizens to reach their wants, show whether Uganda’s Political system is related to Aristotle’s Political Theory of the Causes, and to show the applicability of the theory upon Uganda as a nation. For a lot that transpires in Uganda, is a result of leadership set-up, which is to help Ugandans live a happy and virtuous life. The Researcher has therefore chosen to base the