1. Introduction 1.1 Background Information English as a language with “special role” has own a world-wide status, by either regarded as the official language or taught superior to other languages as second or foreign language (Crystal, 2003). With its growing status, people are not simply satisfied with talking with each other in English. More and more focus has been put on mastering the basic four language skills which are: effective reading ability; fluency in communication; accuracy in listening and native-like writing ability. Compared with other three skills, writing is much more complex to acquire by learners as well as to teach by teachers. Cumming (1989) believes that there exist significant challenges in teaching writing to low level English as Foreign Language (EFL) learners. Belcher & Braine (1995) and Jordan (1997) add that not only EFL students with lower English proficiency, but students of higher learning level in tertiary education also have problems in mastering the writing skill. In addition, Bacha (2002) suggests that non-native English learners primarily have more difficulties in writing than other three linguistics skills. As influenced by the culture of the mother tongue, language learners may find it difficult to acquire writing skills through changing the vocabulary and sentence structures. Zhang (2001) states that many learners learn to write by translating words and filtering meanings from one language into another. When encountering academic or formal writing, the learner will be beaten by strong sense of depress for unable to organize the writing structure. However, even the native speakers need systematic guide and instructions to learn to
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