Writing Style and Mechanics
Student Name
Instructor Name*
As shown above, center the following elements on the page in this order: Title of Paper (mixed upper and lower case letters) Your Name (first and last name without including academic or license information such as BSN or RN) Course Abbreviation and Number Due Date (month, day, and year) Instructor’s Name
*Doctoral students must format the title page according to APA guidelines as follows: title, author’s name, and institution name.
All lines are double-spaced throughout the entire document. Use black, 12-point Times New Roman font throughout the document. Arial and Courier font types are acceptable.
The Writing Style and Mechanics paper provided by the Center for Writing Excellence represents the consensus of several deans and other key academic officials within Apollo Group. The sample paper corresponds to APA style, which is the University’s preferred style. This document may contain more than 20% of its information from a single source. The sample paper is written to help you format your paper. Typically, an academic paper will include information from a variety of sources and should not contain more than 20% of its information from a single source.
Although this sample paper is offered as a tool to help students with style, it is not a definitive or binding representation of format accepted by individual instructors. As a result, for all unresolved style and format issues, it is essential that you consult with your instructor before submitting your paper for a grade. Your instructor is the final authority regarding acceptable format and style for papers associated with a course, and the instructor 's recommendations will prevail over this sample paper in the event that differences occur between the two.
Revised: December 2010
Pagination and Page Header: Use the header feature in Microsoft® Word to
Citations: Other Format Issues The preferred typeface for APA style is black, 12-point Times New Roman (APA, 2010) Correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure—in addition to formatting—are essential components of scholarly writing. Strunk (1918/1999) emphasized the importance of being succinct: Vigorous writing is concise Grammar In addition to the provision of a standardized format for scientific writing, the Publication Manual (2010) emphasizes the importance of proper grammar Subject and verb agreement. A singular noun requires a singular verb, and a plural noun requires a plural verb (APA, 2010). Words that intervene between the noun and the verb do not change this basic rule. American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Copeland, L. (2006). Managing a multicultural workforce. California Job Journal. Retrieved from http://www.jobjournal.com Cuddy, C Daniels, C. (2004, June 28). 50 Best companies for minorities. Fortune, 149(13), 136- 146 Lawton, K. A., Cousineau, L., & Hillard, V. E. (2001). Plagiarism: Its nature and consequences. Retrieved from Duke University Guide to Library Research website: http://www.lib.duke.edu/libguide/plagarism.htm Purdue OWL Sigel, T. (2009). How passive voice weakens your scholarly argument. Journal of Management Development, 28(5), 478-480. doi:10.1108/02621710910955994 Sterngold, A Strunk, W., Jr. (1999). Elementary principles of composition: Omit needless words. In The elements of style. Retrieved from http://www.bartelby.com/141/strunk5.html#13 (Original work published 1918) Book with an edition