Due: Friday 05 April 2013; 4.30 pm (Vanuatu time)
Worth: 20%; Question 1: 4 marks; Question 2: 7 marks; Question 3: 9 marks (20 marks in total).
Length: See instructions on individual questions; 2000 words in total. This does NOT include footnote / bibliography / plagiarism sheet. Note that text which goes beyond the word limit will not be considered/marked.
Submission information: On-campus students must submit a hard copy to the School of Law Office. Online students must use the online assignment box on Moodle. If you have problems with the assignment box you may also submit via email. Regional and Laucala students must submit to Ms. Unaisi Narawa-Daurewa at narawadaurewa_u@usp.ac.fj Emalus students must email Katharina Serrano at Serrano_k@vanuatu.usp.ac.fj
Your assignment must be submitted as ONE DOCUMENT in WORD FORMAT (.doc). This means you must include the following in your submission, all in ONE WORD DOCUMENT :
1. Cover page (Assignment title, course title, your name and student ID, submission date and total word count)
2. Answers to all three questions
3. Bibliography
4. SIGNED plagiarism disclaimer sheet (on Moodle in the Assignment folder and last page of your Course Guide, also on Moodle)
No other submissions (e.g. PDF or TIF documents or assignments submitted in parts) will be accepted/marked.
Late Submission
In the absence of an extension granted prior to the submission deadline on valid grounds, the late submission policy of the School of Law Applies. You can find the policy on Moodle in the Assessment folder and in your Course guide. In short, a penalty of 5% of the total mark awarded to you for that assessment item will be deducted for each day, or part of a day that the assignment is overdue, including weekends and holidays. After 7 days beyond submission date you will be awarded a mark of zero.
The School of Law policy on plagiarism applies to this assignment. It will be enforced