1. The objective of physical fitness – It refers to that state where an individual has developed great endurance, speed, strength etc. Physical fitness is essential to leading a happy, vigorous and abundant life.
2. The objective of social efficiency – It concerned with one's proper adaptation to group living. Physical education activities provides ample opportunities to develop traits such as cooperation, respect to others, loyalty, sportsmanship, self confidence etc. All these qualities help a person to make him a good citizen.
3. The objective of culture – It aims at developing an understanding and appreciation of one's own local environment as well as the environment which is world-wide in scope. By participation in various physical education activities such as dance, sports and games, a person fully understand the history, culture, tradition, religious practices etc and the aesthetic values associated with these activities
Physical Education Programs
The mission of the Physical Education Instructional Program is to provide the Community and guests with a comprehensive set of learning experiences in sport, exercise, dance and physical wellness within an elective format. The scope of the program is broad and provides depth and variety of instruction appropriate for all levels of ability.
Physical Education Programmatic Goals: * Provide the participant an opportunity to rejuvenate and renew through active participation in a variety of leisure activities. * Provide a nurturing learning environment to maximize skill development. * Provide opportunities for increased fitness levels through active participation. * Provide an enhanced sense of physical and mental well-being. * Provide the opportunity to fully experience the present, therefore providing clarity and focus for the challenges of the future.
The unique contributions made by the Physical Education Instructional Program to the concept of