Professor Berk
HST 152
Office Hours: MWF 3:00 - 5:00
Lippman 222
Class time: 10:30 - 11:35
This course covers the Great War (WWI), the seminal event of the 20th century. T causes of the war, the evolution of the conflict, and the impact upon stat and society are topics tot be discussed. The Russian Revolutions of 1917, the Peace Settlement of Versailles, the rise of fascism in Italy and of the Nazi in Germany will also be covered. Several films will accompany the lectures and readings.
Course Requirements:
Called up six times and not present the student with fail the course
Blue Book midterm and final
Meyer, A World Undone
-General Survey of WWI
LaFore, The Long Fuse
-Causes of WWI
Sasson, Memories of an infantry man
-Most famous memoir of WWI
Ferguson, The Pity of War
-Economic view of war
Fromkin, A Peace to End All Peace
-1914 to 1923 impact of Middle East
Fussell, The Great War and Modern Memory
-How war effected culture, style, etc.
"Wild with Joy"- The Prelude to the War
1914- "Mud, slim and vermin"
The Central Powers on the march- The failure of the Entente
"The world is mad"- Verdun and Somme
War everywhere- Africa, the Middle East and Asia
The Russian Revolutions- The Romanovs disappear into the garbage
The Germans roll the dice and the Allies respond- Victory
Peace- Versailles and the seeds of a new war
Date to Remember
July 4, 1776
July 14 1879
June 28, 1914
Driver gets lost Gaviov Prisiv kills Duke and Duchess
March 31, 2014:
6 important people of the war
1. Churchill- England
2. Stalin- Russa
3. Mao China
Unemployment rate during WWI 25%
Germans invaded Belgium
Meyer and LaFore books important for causes of war
The Black Hand- plan assassinations, wants war
Secret military society formed on 6 September 1901 by members of the Serbian Army in the Kingdom of Serbia 20th century is called a 75 year