Diplomatic failure in 1914 did not happen all the suddenly, for Europe was not merely thrown into a “Great War.” This was a result of building tensions which were a direct result of events that had occured over a long period of time prior to 1914. Historians have studied these events and the key players that were connected to them since the end of the war. These studies, have lead them to draw conclusions as to the people or events that are to blame for diplomatic failure. Many historians’ interpretations and the conclusions they draw from these events differ from one another on the basis that they are personal opinions. This essay will examine the conflicting views of four authors using their specific books: Henry Kissinger; Diplomacy, Laurence Lafore; The Long Fuse, Fritz Fischer, and Alan Palmer; The Chancelleries of Europe. Each of these authors draws their own conclusions from the events leading up to WWI and offers their educated opinion as to where blame lies.
Henry Kissinger refers to European diplomacy leading up to 1914 as a “political doomsday machine,” for he states that no one Great Power or one person is directly to blame for the crisis. Kissinger believes that it was a combination of indiscretions and the shortsightedness of the Great Powers that lead to a world war. He states that the powers of Europe had forgotten