As stated before this disorder has genetic origins as it is transmitted by parents to the children; that’s why it is called X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy or X-ALD. It only affects males while females are carriers with the chance of develop a mild form of this disorder. As a neurological condition, we could say that …show more content…
If the blood test results positive to the disease then more tests are run in order to learn how damaged the brain is. Once a child is diagnosed with Adrenoleukodystrophy, a series of genetic tests are also run to the rest of the family, especially and particularly on the siblings. Once the diagnosed is completed, treatment must be the next step. Even though there is no cure for this disease, there are two options for treatment that might help stop the brain from more damage. One of the treatments is called Lorenzo’s oil created for Michaela and Augusto Odone to help their son Lorenzo who was diagnosed with ALD in 1982 which is a combination of two oils that helps reduce the level of VLFA. The other treatment is Bone Marrow Transplant or Umbilical Cord Blood Transplant perform to provide the person with clean stem cells that will help the body to create certain missing protein.
As I said before, this disease has not cure. Scientifics are working really hard to discover a possible genetic therapy treatment.
As a witness of this disease in one of a dear family member, I must say that to suspect that a child has ALD is kind of difficult. The symptoms are confused as kids of 4 to 8 years old that are typically active and sometimes lazy. But, once other symptoms appear such a pale skin color and certain behaviors that no assimilate to the ones a “normal child has” then