Xhaiden lifted her from the tile and helped her to the exit. As they shuffled to it, she gazed into the horizon, gaining a bird's eye view from the skyscraper they stood upon.
It seemed to be everlasting, far more vast than she could have ever imagined. Like Xavon, there was a mass of giant buildings that shone with glass windows; however, nearly all of them were white, a clean color, free …show more content…
Stomach sinking, she glanced past the off white wall. She saw an oval-shaped table that stretched a few meters long, with just enough room for two people to sit opposing each other. They seemed to be conversing about profits and stocks, subjects Fara did not quite seem to yet understand for herself.
She stopped her hand from pulling at her jacket zipper. Stealthily, she retraced her steps back to the stairwell, and opened the door. Slinking back inside, she closed it, and continued her escape, moving down, down, and down.
Midway, something rattled her thoughts.
Xhaiden! I can't believe myself right now! She gripped the side railing with her right hand and thrust her left at her face, shaming herself for letting him slide out of her mind. I'm such a terrible person...
She turned around and headed up the flights of stairs she previously ran, setting her sights on the place where she last saw him. She returned to the hallway, and almost fell forward from her abrupt stop. This time she felt steps shake the floor slightly, just enough for her to detect the movement of two people. They were coming in her direction.
She felt a pulling sensation on her body, and she jogged toward the right, where she assumed Xhaiden could have possibly went. The steps neared closer, and she panicked, fearing she would be