Why is it important to understand culture? * First, culture and leadership are two sides of the same coin and one cannot understand one without the other. * We have to understand that organizations are cultural units that have within them powerful subcultures based on occupations and common histories. * We have to recognize that organizations exist within broader cultural units that matter in today’s global world because mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures and special projects are often multicultural entities who must have the ability to work across cultures. * We have to understand that the culture issues are different in young, mid –life and older organizations.
Leadership and Culture Are Intertwined …show more content…
If the new leader has been promoted from within, he or she will have some sense of the cultural issues that need to be dealt with. However, if the new leader comes from outside the organization, he or she will have to choose among several options. * Destroy the existing culture by getting rid of the key culture carriers, usually the top two or three echelons of executives, and attempt to implement his or her own beliefs, values, and assumptions by arbitrarily imposing new behavioral rules on the remaining employees. * Fight the existing culture by attempting to impose his or her own beliefs, values, and assumptions on the existing members of the organization. * Give in to the existing culture by abandoning his or her own beliefs, values, and assumptions on the existing members of the organization. * Evolve the culture by initially adapting enough to figure out how to get things done and then gradually imposing new behaviors rules that rest on different beliefs, values, and …show more content…
Merger Options
In cases in which cultures have to be combined, four possible patterns may evolve: separation, domination, blending, or conflict * Separation. The first possible option is that the cultures remain separate, as happens when conglomerates allow subsidiary companies to retain their separate identities * Domination. The second possibility is that one culture dominates the other. In some cases this is explicit, as when one company openly acquires the other * Blending. Can culture blend or integrate? Blending, taking the best of each culture is usually claimed to be the desirable outcome. * Conflict Resistance and “Counter-Culture.” Not every subculture is aligned with the corporate mission and the corporate culture
How Culture Matters at Different Stages of Growth
Culture matters in different ways according to the stages of organizational evolution. * A young and growing company attempts to stabilize and proliferate the culture that it views as the basis of its