During December 27, 1940, Janina Prot was accused of hiding weapons in her tent at Auschwitz concentration camp. When Luna Kloetzel heard news that SS officers were going to check tents, she ran to the closest tent there is, hiding her knife in Prot’s tent, under mud and dirt.…
During the Holocaust, there was a man named Frank Foley. He made good choices during the Holocaust. There were some who died during it. But, there were many who survived because of Frank Foley.…
The word ‘holocaust,’ comes from the Greek words ‘holos’ (whole) and ‘kaustos’ (burned), and was used to describe a Jewish sacrificial offering that was burned on an altar. Unfortunately, after 1945, the word took on a more gruesome meaning: the massacre of 6 million Jews by the German Nazis in our second World War. There were many heroes during the Holocaust, but the one that stood out the most was my hero, Irena Sendler. Irena Sendler played a crucial role in securing the safety of many Jewish children through her courageous actions, ideas, and efforts as a humanitarian and social worker who worked in the Polish underground.…
and everything to lose by saving these Jews but he was a courageous individual who did…
Manya Perel was imprisoned in a ramdom ghetto in April 1941 and then later then deported to several concentration and death camps including Ravensbrück, Plaszow, Rechlin, Gundelsdorf, and Auschwitz. She completed hard labor and nearly starved to death. Mayna on some days only ate a crumb of bread a day. Despite the horrible living conditions, scarce food rations and the constant threat of the gas chambers and death, Manya risked her life to save others. Her bravery, in the face of such hardship, is an inspiration to others.…
In 1942 when the intents of hitler were clear to the world, people were trying to help out the jewish community as much as they could. Providing housing for families trying to hide, giving out fake licenses so that jews could hide in plain sight, and risking their own lives for others. All of these people were trying to help out the jewish in many ways but one woman is remembered by everyone for her causes in helping the jews, this woman is Irena Sendler. Irena was born on February 15 1910, she was born into a polish family of doctors and for most of her life she had been assisting her father help people, because of this she cared for everyone.By 1942 she had joined the polish underground group called Zegota, by the end of the war Irena had…
“Schindler our protector, he was the only one who could protect us.” is a quote by Sol Urbach, a refugee of Oskar Schindler. Oskar Schindler was a Holocaust rescuer who saved over 1,200 prisoners during World War II. He rescued many of these prisoners by employing them in his factory as an excuse for their release. Oskar’s personality developed when he realized how awfully Jews were being treated during the war, so he decided to use his wealth to save the countless lives of others. Schindler used his cleverness, generosity, and social status to keep his Jews from the brutal conditions they might have had to face by Nazi party. Oskar may not have had a perfect early or adult life, but he is an outgoing hero of the Holocaust.…
Rudolf Vrba is a name that will be remembered for decades. He, with a childhood friend, escaped from one of the most notorious Nazi death camps. Auschwitz. Just the mention of the name can bring back haunting memories from Holocaust survivors. Memories of families being ripped apart, mutilated, and burned. Memories of a time when Jews were persecuted for doing nothing wrong. A time when they had to fight for every minute of life. A time during which almost unfathomable war crimes were being committed daily for a man by the name of Adolf Hitler. This is where the story begins.…
Oskar Schindler completed the impossible task of saving over a thousand Jews from relegation during the Holocaust. Although Schindler worked efficiently and effectively, his climb to success was not easily achieved. Schindler underwent numerous strenuous tasks, and solved difficult issues to achieve the greatness that he did. Schindler risked his life multiple times to protect those less fortunate. Schindler betrayed his own morals in order to protect the Jewish people.…
Their persistence that continued even in the most hopeless circumstances further proves their bravery. In addition to courage, a defining trait that people involved in resistance movements share is selflessness, and the ZOB was no exception. Although the Warsaw Ghetto uprising was one of the more violent resistance efforts of World War II, the members of the ZOB fought selflessly. They knew that they stood no chance, but they willingly sacrificed their lives for the sake of justice. According to Emmanuel Ringelblum, a former inhabitant of Warsaw who kept a diary about life in the ghetto, “We took stock of our position and saw that this was a struggle between a fly and an elephant. But our national dignity dictated to us that the Jews must offer resistance and not allow themselves to be led wantonly to slaughter” (Kopel). Though the Jews knew they were as powerless against the Germans as “a fly” was to “an elephant,” individuals continued to fight to their own deaths. They threw away personal motivations, fighting instead on behalf of all Jews and the protection of their pride, which demonstrates their self-sacrificing…
The term “Holocaust” was used in the past as a word to describe mass destruction caused by fire or nuclear war. Since World War II ended in 1945, this term has taken on a new and terrifying meaning: the stretch of time over several years in which the deaths of some six million Jews took place under the jurisdiction of the Nazi regime leader, Adolf Hitler. Although he was a very unsparing and austere leader, there were many who were courageous enough to take a stand against his vengeful schemes. Forms of resistance against the Nazi regime took shape in various ways and were led by many groups of people, not only within groups of the persecuted Jews. Some of the most successful acts of rebellion that took place…
Through all of the tragedy there was one Jewish citizen who stood out the most and he was a young boy named Eliezer Wiesel. He was sent to several concentration camps along with his family, but he was soon separated from his mother and younger sister, Tzipora. As the transitions from concentration camp to…
A holocaust survivor and an outstanding writer a Nobel peace prize winner all I'm one! He was a Romanian American Jewish writer. He was an holocaust survivor. He had three sisters and a mom and a dad both his parents and little sister died in the holocaust leaving him and his two older sisters the only survivors from his family. Elie Wiesel encouraged hope in the face of fear through his works ¨Never Will I Forget¨, ¨Nobel Peace Prize Speech¨, and one of his untitled poems.…
Oskar Schindler stated, “I hated the brutality, the sadism, and the insanity of Nazism. I just couldn't stand by and see people destroyed. I did what I could, what I had to do, what my conscience told me I must do. That's all there is to it. Really, nothing more” (AZ Quotes 1). During World War II, Oskar Schindler stood up to the Nazi party in Krakow, Poland by using false labor records and pleading with Nazi leaders, so they would not send his Jewish factory workers to concentration camps. Oskar Schindler’s bravery to stand up to the Nazi’s during World War II saved 1,200 innocent Jewish people’s lives from the horrors of the Holocaust.…
On the first day of World War 1, the Nazi’s invaded Abram Korn’s town in Lipno, Poland. He was only 16 and very scared. “Abram survived the whole war as a jewish prisoner.” (www.remember.org) When Abram was at the concentration camp he always believed…