English 3, Bradley
December 12, 2012
Huckleberry Fin Literary Response In the book, Huckleberry Fin there were many different changes brought about during the story and we notice that Jim and Huck’s relationship with each other are changing. In this story, there were many changes especially since there was the slavery movement going on at this time. In huckleberry fin, many of the changes were about by how Jim and Huck treated each other. Huck is none too thrilled with his new life of cleanliness, manners, church and school. Huck is trying to be respectable so he can escape. As you read, you find out that the way Huck was raised has really affected him but he has Jim there to help him.
In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain portrays how Southern society accepts, unquestioningly the principle of slavery. Through the character of Huck and his internal debates, we see the conflict between what is morally right and what is legally enforced, and it is through the eyes of Huck that Twain presents the issue of slavery. At the beginning of the novel we see Huck oppressed by the Widow Douglas's expectations into conforming, and in some ways one might consider that Huck himself is a slave; to the ideals of society. We learn in the first chapter that Huck is lonely and seeks a less restrictive life through means of escape. As Huckleberry Finn opens, Huck is none too thrilled with his new life of cleanliness, manners, church, and school. However, he sticks it out at the bequest of Tom Sawyer, who tells him that in order to take part in Tom’s new “robbers’ gang,” Huck must stay “respectable.” All is well and good until Huck’s brutish, drunken father, Pap, reappears in town and demands Huck’s money. The local judge, Judge Thatcher, and the Widow try to get legal custody of Huck, but another well-intentioned new judge in town believes in the rights of Huck’s natural father and even takes the old drunk into his own home in an attempt to