Name: _____________________ Teacher:________________
Unit Title: Melodrama Length: 8 weeks
Assessment: Exam
Time: One Double lesson Due Date: ______________
Watch the section of video and answer the attached questions in the spaces provided
You must: - Study the characteristics of melodrama in class and home time, previous to the day of the exam. - Complete your answers in the time given.
- Write neatly and concisely
- Knowledge of the characteristics of melodrama. - Detailed, sufficient answers. - Examples from the video are used to support your answers.
|CRITERIA …show more content…
|A |B |C |D |E |
|Answers all questions |Consistently answers all questions|Has answered all questions – on |Answered all the questions.
|Has answered at least two of the |Only one (or no) questions have |
| |– giving detailed, sufficient |the whole giving sufficient | |questions – although these answers|been attempted. |
| |answers. |answers. | |lack sufficient information. | |
|Question One | | | | | …show more content…
| |Perceptive, detailed and thorough |Thorough knowledge of the |Sufficient knowledge of the |Insufficient knowledge of the |Little or no apparent knowledge of|
|Demonstrates Knowledge of the |knowledge of the characteristics |characteristics of Melodrama.
|characteristics of melodrama |characteristics of melodrama. |the characteristics of melodrama. |
|Characteristics of Melodrama. |of Melodrama. | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| |Concrete examples from the video |On the whole, examples from the |Occasionally uses examples from |Rarely uses examples from the |Little or no examples from the |
|Uses Examples from the video to |are constantly used to support |video are used to support answers.|the video to support answers. |video to support answers. |video are used to support answers.|
|support answers. |answers given. | | | |
|Question Two |Perceptive, detailed and thorough |Thorough knowledge of the |Sufficient knowledge of the |Insufficient knowledge of the |Little or no apparent knowledge of|
|Demonstrates knowledge of |knowledge of the characteristics |characteristics of Melodrama Stock|characteristics of Melodrama Stock|characteristics of Melodrama Stock|the characteristics of Melodrama |
|Melodrama Stock Characters. |of Melodrama Stock Characters. |Characters. |Characters. |Characters. |Stock Characters. |
| | | | | | |
| |Concrete examples from the video |On the whole, examples from the |Occasionally uses examples from |Rarely uses examples from the |Little or no examples from the |
|Uses Examples from the video to |are constantly used to support |video are used to support answers.|the video to support answers. |video to support answers. |video are used to support answers.|
|support answers. |answers given. | | | | |
|Question Three |Student perceptively identifies |Student thoroughly identifies |Student occasionally identifies |Student attempts to identify the |Little or no attempt to identify |
| |all the moments of tension, and |moments of tension, and the |moments of tension, and attempts |tension and how this has been |tension, and the devices used to |
|Elements of Drama |explains clearly the devices used |devices used to create these. |to explain the devices used to |created, however, more |create this. |
|- Tension |to create/heighten these moments. | |create/heighten these moments. |understanding of this is required.| |
Question One:
Justify why this scene could be considered a Melodrama. Give examples from the video to support your answer.
Question Two:
Identify each stock character, and define the characteristics that make them a stock character. Give examples from the video to support your answer.
Question Three:
Identify the moments of tension, and explain the devices used to create/heighten this tension.