Planning(a) Question- Growth: What is the effect on Yeast Growth/Expansion during fermentation when mixed in water of varying temperatures? Hypothesis- Temperatures above or below the recommended fermentation temperatures will contain less, or be void of growth, either due to inactivation or to yeast death. Variables-
| | | | | | |
|Dependent Variables |Temp|Degrees F | |90 Degrees F-130 Degrees F | |
| |erat| | | | |
| |ure | | | | |
| |of | | | | |
| |wate| | | | |
| |r. | | | | |
|Fermentation | |Hours | |Level of |Digital Timer|
|time | | | |expansion | |
| | | | |after other | |
| | | | |variables | |
|90 |75mL |75mL |75mL |N/A