The Cabral Resources Northern Yeelirrie Uranium Project is located approximately 40 km south of Wiluna (Figure 1), where Cabral are targeting paleochannels calcrete hosted uranium. Figure 1 Yeerlirrie North Location
The project is within close proximity to the large BHP Yeelirrie Project (35 MT @.15 % U308 – non JORC), and other smaller deposits held by Toro, Mega Uranium, and Uranex (see Table 1).
Table 1 Midwest Uranium Projects Resource Estimates (source: Cabral )
Location and Access
The Project area is located approximately 40 km south of Wiluna in a direct line to the closest (eastern most) tenement, and approximately 55km from Wiluna to the western most tenement. Access to the project area via Wiluna appears to be good, serviced by a major (unsealed) public road between Wiluna and Leinster, and then via minor roads/ tracks (Figure 2). Figure 2. Location and access
The Cabral presentation indicates the project comprises three tenements, E53/1414-1416. The tenements are held in the name of Northern Yeelirrie Pty Limited. The tenements are adjacent (north ) to BHP’s Yeelirrie tenements, and south of Toro’s Dawson Hinkler (formerly owned by U308) Tenements (Figure 3).
The tenements can be considered moderately prospective for targeting paleochannel calcrete hosted uranium considering the proximity to the known mineralisation at BHP’s Yeelirrie tenements, and south of Toro’s Dawson Hinkler project. The tenements have potential to contain buried paleochannels that flow both to the south towards the large channel hosting to BHP’s Yeelirrie deposit, and to the north-east towards Lake Way (Figure 3).
The type of mineralisation likely encountered will be carnotite (K2(UO2)2(VO4)2•3H2O) trapped within calcretised sediments associated with potentially buried paleochannels. Figure 3 Simplified Geology showing tenure
Toro hold tenements to the south west of