Ying Yang Symbol
The Yin Yang symbol also commonly referred to as the Tai-Chi symbol is easily thought of in today’s popular culture as a reference to the Sun (yang) the moon (yin) and the universe. Allen Tsai’s article provides some insight into the origins of the symbol itself, the meaning behind the curvature of the symbol, and how the Chinese symbol has found a place in popular culture. Allen Tsai goes into explicit detail on how the Chinese developed a surprising understanding of the stars and how they used the constellations and the sun to determine the seasons, the length of a calendar year and the time of the earths rotation around the sun. Tsai explains how the symbol is at its basic meaning a “Chinese representation of the entire celestial phenomenon.” In Alexia Amvrazi’s essay discussing the Evil Eye symbol, she presents all aspects of the symbol including what it is used for, who uses it, and why it is used. She explains that the Evil Eye is “a glance believed to have the ability to harm those on whom it falls” and can take place at any given time from any given person. (Amvrazi). The primary purpose of both, Where Does the Yin Yang Symbol Come From? and The Eyes Have It: Evil Eye in Greece, is to inform the reader of both the meaning an the use behind these well known symbols. This is clearly shown by the detailed descriptions of the symbols and the enlightening information; such as Amvrazi’s attempt to explain to readers the many different cultures “Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu and Christians” and how they incorporate the Evil Eye’s meaning into their teachings (Amvrazi). The informative purpose remains prevalent in Tsai’s essay as he explains that “the Yin Yang symbol is a Chinese representation of the entire celestial phenomenon” and that it “contains the cycle of sun, four seasons, 24-Segment Chi, the foundation of I-Ching, and the Chinese calendar” (Tsai). The common pattern of both authors is that they each began with the origin of each symbol. Tsai
Cited: Page
Amvrazi, Alexia. "The Eyes Have It: The Evil Eye in Greece." The Eyes Have It: The Evil Eye in Greece. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Mar. 2013.
Tsai, Allen. "Where Does The Yin Yang Symbol Come From?" AustinCC.Edu. N.p., 1999. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.