If you are born in a stable home with two loving parents who discipline you and teach you right from wrong, as well as manners with the access to good education. You will most likely end up being a well mannered kind obedient child, thus making you good defeating the evil nature. But on the other hand if you are raised in a crappy home with no education, where your siblings are the ones who raised you because your crack addicted mother is never there, and your father is abusive. …show more content…
We do them because that's what we were taught. People are a lot like clay, they are born like a clump that doesn't know anything and as people grow up, or are molded they transform into what their sculptor, or surroundings want them to be. They go from a lifeless clump to a beautiful work of art, or if they get stuck with a crappy artist they may become a messed up ugly clump. The point of this analogy is that people are shaped by those around them, they do not get a choice in the way they are raised or who their parents are. They just become and by the influences around them they either break the cycle of evil and become good, or they