Chapter 1: A Noiseless Flash
Mr./Rev. Tanimoto 1. What kind of raid did most Hiroshima residents expect? B-29 air raid 2. What kept Rev. Tanimoto up the night before the bombing? the air raid warnings 3. What was the first thing noticed when the bomb went off? bright light 4. What protected Mr. Tanimoto from the blast? a rock garden
Hatsuyo Nakamura 5. Why didn't Hatsuyo move the children when the new air warning went off? They were tired from the night’s sirens. 6. How did Hatsuyo's husband die? in the war 7. How did Hatsuyo support herself and her children? sewing/seamstress
Dr. Masakazu Fujii 8. Why did Dr. Fujii get up early that morning? to take a guest to the train 9. What was Dr. Fujii's single doctor hospital built next to? Kyo River 10. Specifically, what did the explosion do to his hospital? It fell into the river. 11. How did Dr. Fujii keep from drowning? He was held up by two beams.
Father Wilhelm Kleinsorge 12. What was Father Kleinsorge suffering from the morning of the blast? diarrhea 13. What did Father Kleinsorge change into for air raid alerts? a military uniform
Dr. Terufumi Sasaki 14. Why was Dr. Sasaki scolded by another doctor earlier? for treating patients illegally 15. How many doctors in Sasaki's hospital were unhurt? only him
Toshiko Sasaki 16. What was Toshiko in charge of at the factory? personnel records 17. What large objects were located behind Toshiko's desk? bookshelves and books 18. What injury did Toshiko suffer from in the blast? severely broken left leg
Chapter 2: The Fire 19. What was designated as a temporary hospital in case of emergency? a school 20. What was falling out of the sky? large raindrops 21. What did Hatsuyo go back inside her wrecked home to retrieve? clothes, bandages, and sewing machine 22. Where did she stash her sewing machine? in a cement water tank 23.