According to Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, & Health Professions Yoga is a “discipline that focuses on the body’s musculature, posture, breathing mechanisms, and consciousness. The goal of yoga is attainment of physical and mental well-being through mastery of the body, achieved through exercise, holding of postures, proper breathing, and meditation.” Effective yoga for chronic pain interventions tend to incorporate a wide range of traditional yoga practices. Because chronic pain is a mind-body phenomenon, many researchers and chronic-pain sufferers are turning to yoga for pain relief. Yoga integrates physical movement, which can play an important role in pain recovery, with mindful practices that address the cognitive and emotional components of pain.
According to Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, & Health Professions the Pilates method is ”a gentle but focused exercise-based system that tones, stretches, and strengthens the body in a non-impact, balanced system of body-mind exercise and mobilizes the body to move with maximum efficiency and minimum effort. This method can achieve an improvement of body alignment and breathing, increased body awareness, and efficient and graceful movement.” Unlike many other