Multiple organ damages can occur in penetrating trauma such as stab wounds. In the upper left quadrant of the human body, the majority of the stomach, the remaining portion of the liver, the left kidney, the pancreas, the spleen, part of the colon, and parts of the small intestine is located. In trauma with a penetrating object to the abdominal cavity, the peritoneum exposed to the atmosphere. This exposure put the person at risk of severe infection but also severe blood loss leading …show more content…
This process occurs with the aid of the stomach, the digestive glands and the intestines that produce various enzymes, including pepsin, and acid. The enzyme pepsin is responsible for breaking down protein, the trauma of the stomach will put the patient at risk of malabsorption and malnutrition.
The liver function by Filtering the blood coming from the digestive tract, before sending it through the rest of the body. It also Detoxifies the chemicals and metabolizes drugs, Liver is essential for blood clotting and secrets bile back in the intestine to help with digestion. Injury to the liver predisposes the patient to bleed, accumulation of toxins in the body and issues with metabolism.
If the kidney is affected, the patient will be left with only one kidney to filter out toxins and produce urine. A lot of pressure will be put on the remaining kidney, cause decreased kidney function, requiring dialysis and sometimes failure of the remaining …show more content…
Implies that Mr. Shepard body will not be able to create and maintain adequate temperature to maintain equilibrium. The answer will change with the toddler because the toddler has sufficient muscle and fatty tissue under his skin to generate and keep heat. 3. Explain the difference between a saturated and an unsaturated fatty acid.
Structure: Saturated fatty acids in the saturated fat molecule have only single bonds. Fatty acids has long chains of carbon (C) atoms connected by single bonds (-C-C-), While unsaturated fat in a fatty acid has both single and double bonds linking the carbon atoms.
Reactivity: When saturated food is exposed to the atmosphere, they are not susceptible to further oxidation and rancidity. while unsaturated fat are susceptible to further oxidation and rancidity when exposed to the atmosphere.
Physical Nature and Source: Most animal-derived fats are considered to be saturated fats, while most plant-derived fats are found to be unsaturated fats.
State: almost all saturated fatty acid has a solid consistency at room temperature, while unsaturated fatty acid is liquid at room