The first obvious reason to why life without an education is not a good idea is because you make more money. The more education you get the more likely it is that you’ll always have a job. Every bit of education a person receives after high school increases the chances of a good paying income. Today most jobs require more than just a high school diploma. This is because most people want to hire people who know how to think and solve problems. Not only does education beyond high school provide you with more money in the long run, it also gives you a lot of other benefits. These benefits include meeting new people, exploring your interests, and experiencing success.
Another reason why getting a good education is key is because you’ll live life with a strong sense of pride. For example, if someone graduates first in their family. Being the first one in your family to graduate would be a great source of pride. Many people may feel that a great deal of pressure comes with the big responsibility of being the first one to raise the bar in their family. This incredible achievement will stay with you for the rest of your life and that is something that no one can ever take away from you. The emotional feeling of accomplishing something that no other family member has done would be an extraordinary feeling. Not only would your family be extremely proud but you would be proud of yourself as well.
The final reason why education leads a