Does everybody make mistakes? Can you forgive someone who makes a mistake? Would you consider me not saving Leon of Salamis a mistake? If no:…
Mistakes and errors have another purpose; they tell when to change direction. When things aren’t going smoothly, people think of new ideas. Roger Von oech mentions a client, a division manager from a high-tech company, asking his vice president of engineering what percentage of their new products should be a success in the market business. The answer he received was “about 50%.” The division manager replied, “That’s too high. 30% is a better target; otherwise we’ll be too conservative in our planning. In conclusion Roger Von Oech wants everyone to take advantage of their mistakes and learn from them for new better…
Everyone makes mistakes. It's important to learn from them and improve your productivity and efficiency.…
As humans we make mistakes, but the real power is learning from our mistakes. Often we can learn from others mistakes that way we don’t have to feel the pain ourselves to understand why we shouldn’t do something or be a certain way. Also we can learn from history and past mistakes that lead them into bad times and disputes. From literature we learn morals and lessons through the characters position. “We live with our archetypes, but can we live in them?” rightly said by Poul Anderson.…
Making mistakes benefits me because if I am able to correct the mistake myself then it makes me more confident about all my other work.…
In this article, they list different quotes from different people. Samuel Smiles, a 19th century Scottish author says, “We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often discover what will do by finding out what will not do; and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery.” His words are true in the way that most of the time, people make mistakes before big discoveries, while people who make 0 mistakes, make 0 discoveries. Martin Tupper, 19th century English writer, says, “Error is a hardy plant, it flourisheth in every soil.” He’s right. No matter where you look, you will see mistakes and error, just like you can find plants in a lot of…
You can learn from your mistakes so you’ll have a better outcome. You know how to salve the next problem faster than before.…
“All humans make mistakes,” that’s what a lot of people say, but is it really important to make mistakes? It is important to make mistakes because sometimes those mistakes lead to a positive outcome.…
Everyone that does something bad ends up doing something good in life. With every mistake there is a lesson. If you don’t learn a lesson then you didn’t make a mistake. Mistakes can be just about everything. You can say the wrong words to the wrong person. That can be a mistake and it can end really badly. Lying is a mistake, because once you start you never stop. You can’t get anywhere in life if you lie. Are you gonna lie on a job resume? That can find out if you’re lying. Learn from the people you look up to, they mostly made a mistake. It can be a really bad mistake or a little one. Every mistake can be prevented. Everything happens for a reason.…
Mistakes are a part of human nature, no matter how hard one tries, there will be mistakes sooner or later…
same mistake twice. Making mistakes is part of being human, but it is the guilt we…
“We learn from our mistakes.” Like the mistakes we make, disappointments can also teach us valuable lessons. We grow and mature, from the way we’ve handled the mistake, or in this case,…
People make mistakes all the time. We know mistakes are prone to happen sooner or later. Don't get sad, mad, frustrated or give up what your doing because you failed. Stuff happens and your not going to always get things right the first time around. Just shake it off and keep on moving.…
I have learned that there are some errors and bad habits that can lead to shallow or uncritical decisions instead…
Learning from mistakes is a key part of life. I myself have had to learn from my mistakes. Over the summer I cut my foot outside. I spent the whole night in the worst hospital, then I got 18 stitches in the bottom of my foot. It also set back my ability to play football. My mistake was going outside without shoes, now I wear my shoes all the time.…