In the "Birthday Party," Katherine Brush shows what- at a glance- seems to be a non-suspicious dinner between a happily, "unmistakably," married couple; yet, when examined closer is obviously a dinner gone wrong. Her use of syntax, along with other literary devices, help show how a book shouldn't be judged by its cover.…
I was the youngest of my two brothers and one sister, growing up in a small city on the Eastern shore of Maryland. Salisbury is the city name of my hometown. Our father died when I was at the young age of four. My mother who was very strong willed and independent raised all of us on her own after daddy died. She raised us and taught us to do well in school and to make good grades. She instilled in all of us to be very loving and presentable children that respect our elders. We were brought up in the church and taught to say our daily prayers before going to bed at night. Hygiene was a must and cleanliness was a daily routine.…
“I bet there were a lot of people mad at Shakespeare, too, but aren 't we all glad that he wrote Hamlet?" Yolanda 's sisters said in trying to make their tight situation with their little sister Yolanda just a little bit lighter. Even during the days the Garcia family had resided in the Dominican Republic, and Yolanda had always had a cause to tell her stories in either fact or fiction form. The family had to be cautious in the dictatorship, which in turn, had caused many sleepless nights in the Garcia household. When the family had immigrated to the United States her mother still had to worry about the stories that Yolanda would go on to write. Would she have to wait around for a social worker to stop by the house if Yo were telling her fiction stories at school? Yolanda had to write her stories about the…
In addition to the influence of the children’s perspective on the reader’s interpretation of the adults’ roles in the novel, the reader also makes inferences and conclusions about the adults based on their actions. Consider the various failures of the adult characters in this novel: moral failures, the failure to parent well, and the failure to negotiate life successfully, to name just a few. You may choose to analyze only one character and his or her failures, or write a comparative analysis of several characters, but in any case, build an essay in which you posit reasons for the failures of adults to protect children and to offer hope to the next…
Horrified due to her abolitionist mindset, Sarah attempts to politely decline her alleged gift, but faces chastisement from her mother. Charlotte creates leverage of Sarah’s capacity for kindness and perfidiously lures her into a burdensome obligation; to make Handful free. A thoroughly substantial relationship rather than a maid in waiting and master is developed between Handful and Sarah, “Whatever it was, I began telling Hetty confidences I’d kept only with myself” (Kidd 58). Their friendship is based off of Sarah’s willful attitude towards teaching Handful literacy skills, and rooted on Handful’s alacrity as a student. Sarah begins to teach Handful the art of reading and writing as a result of Charlotte’s obscure threat, however, a magnificent incipience of friendship is mutually created in the process, which possesses the potential to lead Handful to freedom. Based on the textual evidence, I conclude that Charlotte and Handful will secure their freedom due to Charlotte’s promise with Sarah, and Handful’s alliance with Sarah…
An unreliable perspective is used through the text, employing a narrative voice which results in ambiguity, leading the reader to think about the reality of the novel.…
(Warning: This novel contains some explicit language. If this is an issue for you or your child, please contact the English Department Chair at to discuss. An alternate assignment can be created.)…
2. Even the reader of such an unusual book may be surprised to come upon Addie Bundren’s narrative on page 169, if only because…
Be true to yourself not what someone wants you to be. In the movie Bad Hair Day, the main character, Monica, develops the theme that you should not seek approval from others and be who you want to be. She does this by going to the college she likes and not the college everyone is going to.…
The initial descriptions of setting and geography influence the purpose of any character, theme or symbol. In the book “A Lesson Before Dying” the courthouse and segregation along with syntactic balance patterns play an important role in influencing those three things…
2. The conversation beginning “Goodwives” (page 38) and ending “…Mistress Prynne herself” (page 39), is best characterized by several…
Besides their similarities, Miss Hancock and Charlottes mother are so different that they contrast each other. Miss Hancock is unmarried woman who encourages Charlotte to be expressive. On the other hand, Charlotte’s Mother doesn’t support or care much about Charlotte’s enthusiasm for the subject. As a child, playing with toys wasn’t allowed because it made a mess “A toy ceased to be a toy once it left the toy cupboard” (p 65). Miss Hancock loves teaching children, so if she were Charlotte’s mother, she would tell her to make as much of a mess as she wants. Miss Hancock and Charlotte’s mother are an example of character foil.…
Most of the assigned books that I have read in my English classes are boring and dull. I repeatedly took breaks and checked how much longer I had until I reached the assigned reading portion for the night. However, The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls was not one of these books. I flipped through page after page as I read about Jeanette Walls and her interesting life story. The reason that I was intrigued with Jeanette Walls memoir was because I related it to my family. Throughout the book, I found similarities between my family and the Walls’ through Jeanette’s siblings, Rose Mary, and the family chemistry.…
Humanities electives are marked with an asterisk (*) in the course descriptions for the following disciplines: Art, Drama, Foreign Language, History, Literature, Music, and Philosophy. The required six hours must represent a mini- mum of two disciplines. Art and/or Music Appreciation are…
Your mood will change throughout the novel because that’s the power of storytelling. She shared how Esperanza was in difficult situations in her life, which some of us can agree with or understand. Also, in the novel Great Expectations, Charles Dickens shares the life of Pip and his journey. This relates to our discussion because by hearing how Pip had grown into a gentlemen, may inspire some of us to grow up and become more successful and thank the people who had helped us along our…