"Save as much as you can, it's never to late to start," says Bondar. Saving money and spending money the right way is what Bondar preaches about throughout the entire entry. Teen spending and how parents go about spending is very important and Bondar makes…
Most consumers under the age of 28 are not good at saving money. This is because they figure that they will not have to worry about anything…
Financial decisions are extremely critical to social welfare. Many individuals have the state of mind that emphasizes the belief of how social welfare can be pursued through exercising one’s choice and making provisions to obtain the means to be financially stable. The world is increasingly becoming more financially integrated and complex, pushing average individuals and their families to make highly difficult, often irreversible financial decisions. Decision making in regards to every day financial decisions is just as important as deciding what retirement plans will be necessary, considering there might not be social security by the time some of us get of age. With the recession that the economy has endured in the last few years, the global financial crisis has displayed that poor financial decision-making can have significant costs for both individuals but also the overall society. The state of someone’s financial welfare ultimately determines their socioeconomic status in this world; therefore people should strive to be successful to reach their ultimate goals and learn to responsibly manage their finances.…
Many people are not financially knowledgeable after they graduate from high schools, but most colleges offer a personal finance class. If you had it as a requirement for a high school diploma then students who didn’t or don’t plan on attending a collage wouldn’t have the information that this class teaches. Most parents teach their children how to deal with their finance but some parents or guardians of students might not have a sturdy knowledge of personal finance. So I think that making personal finance a requirement for graduation would be a wonderful idea that students will use in their everyday life.…
“She’s a college freshman with a new BMW and she went into debt for it!” said Rachel Cruze at the beginning of her financial planning workshop at Texas A&M University-Commerce. She was politely describing the reckless spending that is prevalent among college students, and came to our university to raise awareness concerning the major debt crises among her young audience. She came to the university on October 11, and stood on stage in the Ferguson Auditorium to give college students, and other individuals, advice about how to efficiently manage finances. As the daughter of renown financial planner Dave Ramsey, Cruze offered proven financial management methods to the crowd. Although she gave several key points to financial freedom, her main topic was urging college students to go into as little debt as possible.…
Money management and financial planning is an aspect of life that everyone encounters. Despite one’s income or financial status, every adult and child has a concept of money and how to manage finances. Learning effective tips for financial success is very important to ensure future prosperity. For students especially, it is vital to be exposed to money management advice to learn and adopt good spending and saving practices early in life.…
Students are graduating with large amounts of debt totalling tens or even hundreds of thousands. Yet they are making 20% less than their parents did at when they entered the work force. Currently student debt totals 1.3 trillion dollars in the US accumulated by 44.2 million Americans. The delinquency rate has reached 11.1%, which monthly bill totaling $351 a month over 30 years, it's no wonder millennials cannot afford to buy homes. The burden that younger Generations face continues to grow, and if something is not done about it soon is very likely to cause an economic…
Money is merely paper that drives us crazy, and we seek to attain more. I work five days a week, but when I’m not working I’m doing school work. It’s rare for me to go out on my days off, or even have dinner with my parents. I’ve sacrificed Sunday dinners, movie nights, or just hanging out with my friends. I’m making money, but it’s costing me my youth and my relations with those who surround…
Nonetheless, in your article you have declared that teenagers do some foolish things. I truly understand that teenagers makes some thoughtless mistakes and can’t yet think straight however I can assure money takes a huge part in all of the problems the world faces till this very day with the cause of poverty and economically harassed parents who have to work late nights to pay for new school uniforms that eternally need replacing as teenagers mature and hit puberty, without teenagers realizing it can lead them to serious misconceptions and making bad decisions at the heat of the moment.…
Since the United States is one of the richest countries in the world, it is difficult to understand why so many Americans have money problems. The answer seems to be the result of two main factors. The first is poor planning and weak money management habits in areas such as spending and the use of credit. The other factor is extensive advertising, selling efforts, and product availability. Achieving personal financial satisfaction starts with clear financial goals.…
In the article New Adolescent Money Attitude Scales: Entitlement and Conscientiousness, Ivan Beutler and Clinton Gudmuson introduced the rising problem of young adolescents developing the consumer value of materialism. “The growing importance of the financial world in the lives of youth as the transition to adulthood has illuminated the importance of money attitudes that lead to positive behaviors such as living within one’s means, paying bills on time, avoiding excessive debt, and so forth”. (Beutler & Gudmunson, 2012, p. 19)…
I think that many of my friends do not even think much of saving for their…
In daily life, money is considered as one of the most important aspects for people to satisfy their needs and enjoy their life easily. Without money, we cannot accomplish a lot of things and then have a hard life with no goals. Al Pacino said, “Money makes your life easier. If you're lucky to have it, you're lucky.” However, when people think of money, they need to understand its real meanings and know how to have it properly. Money can be not only a faithful slave, but also a cruel boss. Let’s have a look here. As a faithful slave, money is extremely useful to provide for all of an individual’s or family’s needs. For example, it can help a patient to be hospitalized and to have a surgery right away instead of waiting for donations. Besides, money can be used to help the poor to overcome their hardships and enjoy life. On the other hand,…
Economically, I am fully aware of the way I spend my money as if I am having a job as some sort of financial manager. In fact, my major is finance. And to certain extent, the fact that I am having such challenging and economically related major does manipulate and affect my way of dealing with economic issues. I’m the kind of guys who would spend much time doing research and comparisons between similar products in order to give the final decisions of which product to buy with the best price and benefit. I would love to get busy going on Amazon.com and eBay to try to find the same textbook with the best price instead of just going straight to the bookstore and spend a couple of hundreds of dollars for books that I might no even need them that much. But I am also the kind of guy who would use up almost all of my savings in order to throw a party or buy “big” goods such as musical instruments, a new sound…
Most people would like to enjoy their money immediately. Nobody likes to wait for the things that he wants. However, if we learn to save our money, we can gain more advantages in the future. We will lead more secure and, thus, happier lives. We will also be able to buy the things we truly want but cannot afford right now.…