The food eaten by children during long-day child-care makes an important contribution to their overall nutritional intake at a time that is critical for physical and mental development.
Formal child-care providers require specific guidelinesguidelines, a set of standards, criteria, or specifications to be used or followed in the performance of certain tasks.
..... Click the link for more information. for the provision of food for children in their care. Such recommendations can be justified if they are based on both the daily nutrient requirements of children and on the proportion of food eaten while in child-care. Care needs to be taken not to overestimate o·ver·es·ti·mate tr.v. o·ver·es·ti·mat·ed, o·ver·es·ti·mat·ing, o·ver·es·ti·mates
1. To estimate too highly.
2. To esteem too greatly. these requirements as this may result in increased cost and wastage wastage
a loss of product or productivity; in terms of animal production includes losses due to deaths of animals, lowered production from survivors, including reproduction, and lost opportunity income.
wastage Fetal wastage, see there .
The mean daily intakes of energy, vitamin A vitamin A also called retinol
Fat-soluble alcohol, most abundant in fatty fish and especially in fish-liver oils. It is not found in plants, but many vegetables and fruits contain beta-carotene (see , thiamin thiamin or vitamin B1
Organic compound, part of the vitamin B complex, necessary in carbohydrate metabolism. It carries out these functions in its active form, as a component of the coenzyme thiamin pyrophosphate. , niacin niacin: see coenzyme; vitamin.
niacin or nicotinic acid or