When choosing your major, think about the kind of job you want, but think about the person you are. If you are someone who doesn't want to get up before noon, for example, you might not want to choose a major where the job possibilities require you to work early in the morning.…
Are you currently stuck and unsure of what major you want to pursue? Do you find yourself stressed over what will happen in the future and what career path you will take? If that is the case, then you’re not alone. Princeton graduate, Ken Saxon addresses this topic to the 2010 freshmen class of the University California, Santa Barbara. He explains that receiving a degree in one particular area does not necessarily mean anything in the real world. Ken Saxon mentions that college is primarily for discovering who you are and what you’re passionate about. Additionally, Saxon uses himself as the perfect example for his argument. In the article, “What Do You Do with a B.A. in History?”, Ken Saxon uses the strategy of logos by presenting well, thought-out examples and logics to prove that having a degree is just the basic outline of one’s success in the future.…
Throughout almost everyone’s life, there is a focus on the future, more specifically in a future career. As young children, we have the hopes of being doctors, police officers, fairies, and princess. When we grow older we learn about the realities and the limits of our futures. We understand that we cannot be fairies or the Flash. However, the pressure to decide what to do in life is always there. A pressure which is the most prevalent in the first years of college. In “Major Decisions” by James Tunstead Burtchaell he explores the ways that picking a major in college is less of a pathway to a certain career, but more to wider possibilities in the future. The importance in not in the career that can be the final goal but rather the knowledge about…
In the article Schwartz mentions that, “students are eager to have double and triple majors, partly, I know, to pad their resumes, but also because they can’t figure out which discipline they really want to commit to” (804). If the number of choices are somewhat reduced to a manageable number, the amount of time/effort into making a “wise” decision will be more…
Many students hear that picking a major and going into college with it is permanent, however, people can change their minds. According to an article from the U.S. Department of Education’s Data Point newsletter in December, 2017, 52% of math majors switched to another major, 28% of computer and information sciences majors switched, and 26% of healthcare field majors switched. They go on to explain why these anomalies occurred; Students underestimated the difficulty of the courses needed to major in mathematics – and changed. Only 28% of computer majors defected because they already possessed a lot of knowledge about computers before declaring that major. Only 26% of health sciences majors switched because that major attracts students who are already committed to “higher” goals like helping people.…
A survey of 800 college seniors resulted in the following crosstabulation regarding their undergraduate major…
During the college years of a person’s life, some of the biggest and life changing decisions are made. The decision of choosing a college, picking a major, and then the pursuit of a career affect the rest of an individual’s life. College students often receive a great deal of advice, from many different people, concerning their career. There are many people that give the advice, “Do what you love,” while, in contrast, other people will give the advice, “Do what makes money.” These two pieces of advice are very conflicting and it brings up the argument - should you do what you love or what makes the money? For both sides of the argument, there is support and reasoning that is very valid and persuasive. By looking at the argument subjectively, it is difficult to choose a side; each argument has its pros and cons. I believe that there should be a balance of both. Everyone has passions and if an individual has the opportunity to turn his…
In the book “Major in Success”, author Patrick Combs illustrates through examples and motivates the reader to pursue his/her dreams. He aims to provide the morale support required to ooze the potential out of the reader. In fulfilling this task, he mentions the insignificance of a student’s grades and his choice of a major. Grades define the commencement of one’s career and not being able to maximize your GPA would mean loss of opportunity in terms of time. As far as a major is concerned, a student, who has realized his dreams in earlier stages of his life excels in the chosen field way more than someone who has barely any knowledge of where he/she is headed.…
My second career is psychology or psychologist. I’ve always been interested in the brain and how it works. you will need a bachelor's degree, but you’ll have better job opportunities with a doctorates degree. Some good schools for psychology are Harvard University and Yale University.The average salary for a psychologist is 69 thousand dollars a year. Some benefits you will have are life insurance, health insurance, vacation time, and paid time…
Biology is under the college of Arts and Sciences and is categorized in the Biological Sciences department. The main chair/director is Dr. Sam Atkinson with an assistant, Kendra Donahue. The Biological Science department is located in the Biology Building 210.…
Well in college you never really know what you really want to do yet unless you're really determined on what you want to do, with college students changing their major about every other day, my future career that I have decided to do in the future hasn't been fully decided so I have had different changes in my major in the past few months. They have been from Graphic Design to Criminal Justice to Cyber Security but the career that I chose to do this my life about is Criminal Justice, in this career the Criminal Justice system has to deal with a lot of stuff that has to do with Psychology with these characteristics being such as psycho-dynamic, cognitive, behavioral, intelligence and personality.…
To say that I dedicated numerous amounts of hours deciphering the purpose of why I’m going to college would be a lie. For years I have always thought that college is somewhere you just go after high school. I believed that it is only somewhere you go to start your career and in turn make a lot of money. In fact, this “purpose” is what has been institutionalized within U.S. citizens under this Capitalist system. We are told to go to college so we can get jobs where we can make money, buy a big house, start a family, and live the lifestyles we have always dreamed of. For a very long time this was my only goal in life: to go to college so I can get a well-paying job to afford the lifestyle that I want to live. I never put much thought into what…
The career that I have literally chosen is the automotive service technician and mechanics career. The reason why I chose this career it’s because… Well actually I have plenty and many reasons to choose from because I am very passionate about this career and I have lived through it my entire life. One reason is that Auto Mechanics is because to me it’s an interesting field to me. I decided to explore the topic a little more to get a better understanding of what it would take to become a successful automotive technician . I have lived through the auto mechanics field pretty much all through my life. Well actually since I have been born. The reason of this is very simple. That is because my very own dad is an auto mechanic himself. Well actually to be more exact, he owns his own auto mechanic shop. Since I was little I have always helped him at his work because I have always enjoyed working with vehicles. Since the very first day that I started working with him I already knew that the automotive field was the job for me. Since I was a baby my very own parents use to tell me that I would disappear out of their sight. And when they used to find me I used to be playing with the tools besides my dad helping him out. I have pretty much made my mind up about actually going further in this career. Not only because I actually enjoy doing that job but also because of the pay check that you receive. Well actually that is a bonus in it. It does matter to me the money that you earn in it but not as much as I like doing the activity of interacting and working with automobiles. I have faith in me that one day I am not only going to fix cars, but I am also going to own my own shop myself.…
I think that it’s possible for you to like work as long as you do it on time. The work most teachers give out isn’t that bad and doesn’t take that long. If you get behind, you’re most likely to create an even deeper hole for yourself. That’s why you should always turn in your work on time, so you don’t have to deal with later and not get on the teacher’s nerves!…
It is sad how my expectations have gone down with every year of high school, but I guess that is just what the real world is all about. I started my freshman year out talking about wanting to be a doctor or a scientist or a millionaire. I am about to leave high school not having a clue on what I want to do with my life. I has been hard to observe my grades going from practically straight A's as a freshman to the sad state of nearly having my credits denied this senior year. But now that I know that one has to face the responsibilities for every decision one makes, I might be ready to make some smart ones.<br><br>No, I do not think that I can become a brain surgeon or a world-renowned scientist or, unless I win the lottery, a millionaire but…