“Bringing back the true purpose of the youth in filling up the missing pieces of our country’s key to success”
In every dot begins a stroke. In every stroke begins a figure. In every figure begins an image. And in every image creates a masterpiece. Like a painting, our world is full of dots and strokes, and through those dots represents us people that though we may look like insignificant points, we, if taken as one body, can define the world. This shows that no matter who we are or what we are, what race or nation we came from, and how young we are and what role we stand in the society, each one of us is an important piece of puzzle. And us youth, like dots, are precious and has a purpose in filling up the world.
As future heroes of the world, the youth has something to say as young citizens of our country. We maybe like young birds that can’t fly yet on all the worldly events but we definitely can build changes as we climb the ladder of our generation. But sad to note that as the world revolves a thousand times, a million times our purpose as significant dots is questioned. Instead of saving the day we are the ones to be rescued. Many of us can be the next world leaders but it is also evident that many of us can be the next most wanted criminals. It is either we are like slippers in which someone holds our own fate if where we will go even though it is not where we wanted, or worms who can go wherever we wanted but are blind to know if it is the right path. There were even some who are apathetic enough on the place where they live and the role that they can achieve that they are more concerned on worldly pleasures-money, gambling, virtual world, drugs, alcohol, and sex. If we really want to engrave within us the scripture of how we can be the best dots, then, what should be done?
It does not mean that if we have fallen