West Virginia has many contributing factors to the high youth incarceration rate. West Virginia has the highest overdose death rate in the nation. We also have one of our nation’s highest dropout rates. Mercer County, where I currently reside, has 21.9 percent …show more content…
We need to ensure these children are at the facility or group home best fitted and beneficial to their specific needs. Due to overcrowding, many are just placed where there is the room with little to no rehabilitation. With West Virginia ranking highest and having almost twice the national average of incarcerated youth, overcrowding is a huge issue. It not only hinders those needing rehabilitation from receiving it, it causes other issues as well. When you have too many youth offenders in cramped areas there is often more outburst, verbally as well as …show more content…
They are often over worked, under paid and given more than one person can handle. It is sad, but often in these overcrowded facilities, the staff often lose precious time needed and the ability to implement change in the young offenders’ life. It also affects the morale and motivation of the staff. They often lose sight of what they are there for, due to having to deal with numerous other issues because of the high volume of youth in their care.
“There is a juvenile justice reform now in place in West Virginia signed by Governor Tomblin It reduces the number of status offenders” kids convicted of acts deemed illegal only because of their age” keeping them out of the expensive, sometimes harsh juvenile justice system and in their own homes and communities. This also allows truly troubled children in the system better access to treatment and already limited resources. (AP Regional State Report - West Virginia,