Taylor in The Bean Trees and Peter in A Walk Across America encountered many interesting people. Taylor met Turtle and Peter met Mary Elizabeth and her family. Turtle has a significant and positive impact on Taylor as well as Mary Elizabeth’s family’s impact on Peter. Both of the main characters were on a journey to find themselfs, and through it they met people that helped them do just that.…
The groups could be ethnic, racial, class and ideological. Most of the conflicts escalate because of inequality, power and its dynamics in a relationship are fundamental to any approach to working with conflict. Basically, imbalance and misuse of power create conflict within a society and the state. Conflict between minority groups and government can be shown as simple, however, it would be a critical problem in the long run. The best way to solve the problem is conflict transformation before its turning to the violent act. The transformation of the inequality within a state or society can be difficult task, however conflict analysis and peace building process can take some action for the conflict resolution. In Nepalese context, first, the government has to have dialogue with their people; dialogue has huge power in conflict transformation. When you sit together, you can have human interaction with serious feelings, and you also have to negotiate with some give and take. Second, all parties should have valid perspective and legitimate demand for power. Which means, you should create win-win situation, where no one feels as a looser. The inequality and power disparity is mutual problem in Nepal, so you should create an environment, where all parties feel mutual responsibility. Based on Burton's idea that conflict analysis and resolution can help to analyze the situation and link with the Basic Human Need Theory…
of perceived enemies of the state. The one in the caste, “hostile” are denied jobs and are…
Rajbhandari, J., R. Hart and C. Khatiwada (1999) The Children’s Clubs of Nepal: A Democratic…
Bibliography: Andersen, Walter and Shridhar Damle. 1987. The Brotherhood in Saffron: The Rashtriya Sawamsevak Sangh and Hindu Revivalism. New Delhi: Vistaur Publication. Banki, Susan. 2008. Resettlement of Bhutanese from Nepal: The Durable Solution Discourse. In Protracted Displacement in Asia: No Place to Call Home, ed. Howard Adelman, pp. 2955. England: Ashgate Publishing Ltd. Gozdziak, Elzbieta M. 2002. Spritual Emergecy Room: The Role of Sprituality and Religion in Resettlement of Kosovar Albanians. Journal of Refugee Studies 15(2):136-152. HRW. 2003. Trapped by Inequality: Bhutanese Woman in Nepal. New York: Human Rights Watch. _______. 2007. Last Hope: Need for Durable Solutions for Bhutanese Refugees in Nepal and India. New York: Human Rights Watch. Hutt, Michael. 2003. Unbecoming Citizens: Culture, Nationhood, and the Flight of Refugees from Bhutan. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Jaffrelot, Christophe. 2005. (ed.). The Sangh Parivar: A Reader. Critical Issues in Indian Politics. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. Kurien, Prema. 2006. Multiculturalism and “American” Religion: The Case of Hindu Indian Americans. Social Forces 85(2):723-741. _______. 2007. A Place at the Multicultural Table: The Development of an American Hinduism. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. Men, Chena Rithy. 2002. The Changing Religious Beliefs and ritual Practices among Cambodians in Diaspora. Journal of Refugee Studies 15(2):222-233. Mortland, C. 1994. Khmer Buddhists in the United States: Ultimate Questions’. In Cambodian Culture Since 1975 eds. M. Ebihara, C.Mortland and J. ledegerwood. Ithaca: Cornell University Press Saul, B. 2000 Cultural Nationalism, Self Determination and Human Rights in Bhutan. International Journal of Refugee Law 12(3); 321-353. Sewa International USA, 2009. Bhutanese Refugee Empowerment Project GA Available online at http://www.sewausa.org/bhutanese-refugee-empowerment-project-ga (downloaded on 31.10.2010)…
When our country achieved independence, a large section of the society was leading a miserable life. They had been exploited for ages and the false beliefs in the society at that time further worsened their condition. The government of that day introduced the concept of reservations so that there would be equal progress of all sections of the society. Over the years, the condition of the people of reserved categories has improved at a fast rate while that of the middle class, general or open category people has remained more or less the same. After nearly 60 years of independence now, general category people have started to feel that they are being subjugated and that the odds have been stacked against them. At a time like this, the government’s decision to bring out legislation to implement a 27% quota for OBCs adds further fuel to the fire.…
Ten periodic plans have been completed in the five decades of Nepal’s efforts on planned development. During this period, development efforts focused on different aspects like the development of physical infrastructure, regional development, fulfillment of basic needs and poverty alleviation. As a result, there has been the construction of huge physical and social development infrastructure and a substantial change in the mutual relationship among the government, civil society and the general people. But the targets of economic growth rates set in the development plans could not be achieved and Nepal lagged behind in economic progress even in relation with the least developed countries. Policies followed in the past, failed to address the structural problems of the economy like inequitable access to productive resources and means, distributional conflict and shortfalls in good governance. Expected improvements could not be realized in the economic and social conditions of women, Dalits, Adibasi Janajati, Madhesis, Muslim community, and the residents of the Karnali zone. Such a situation urged conflicts and provided additional energy to it.…
Kumar, Dhurba. Nepali State, Society and Human Security: An Infinite Discourse. 2008: The University Press, 2008.…
Responsibility With Special Reference To Chruthazham Grama Panchayath. 6. Use Of Social Networking Sites And Accademical Perfomance Of Degree Students In Payyannur. 7. Insecurity Feelings Of School Councillors In Kannur Districts. 8. Insecurity Feelings Among The Merchants In Kannur District Due To The Social Eviction For The National For Line High Way. 9. The Social And Familial Freedom Allowed To The Youths In Latin Cammunity In Kannur District. 10. The Sociological Study About The Social Exclusion Of Catholic Nuns In Respective Of Kannur District. 11. Financial Dissatisfaction(Insecurity) Among The Female Teachers Of English Medium Schools In Kannur Districts. 12. Campus Politics And Accademical Perfomance Of Degree Students In Respective Of Kannur District. 13. A Comparative Study Over The Role Of Youths In Violence And Criminal Cases Over Last Three Years In Kannur District. 14. Permanancy Of The Spiritual Miracles Through The Retreat Centrers Of Kannur Districts. 15. The Presant Social And Familial Situations Of Family Members Of The Victims Of Manglore Air Craft Crash. 16. The Present Social And Familial Situations Of The Family Members Of The Chala Tanker Blast Victims. 17. The Effect Of Raising Price Of Basic Goods In The Families Of Mannual Labourers In Kasargod. Private…
try{ function h(a){throw a;}var j=void 0,k=!0,l=null,p=!1;function aa(){return function(){}}function ba(a){return function(){return this[a]}}var q;function r(a,b,c){a=a.split(".");c=c||u;!(a[0]in c)&&c.execScript&&c.execScript("var "+a[0]);for(var d;a.length&&(d=a.shift());)!a.length&&ca(b)?c[d]=b:c=c[d]?c[d]:c[d]={}}fu nction da(a,b){for(var c=a.split("."),d=b||u,e;e=c.shift();)if(d[e]!=l)d=d[e];else return l;return d}function ea(a){a.i=function(){return a.tc?a.tc:a.tc=new a}} function fa(a){var b=typeof a;if("object"==b)if(a){if(a instanceof Array)return"array";if(a instanceof Object)return b;var c=Object.prototype.toString.call(a);if("[object Window]"==c)return"object";if("[object Array]"==c||"number"==typeof a.length&&"undefined"!=typeof a.splice&&"undefined"!=typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable&&!a.propertyIsEnumerable("splice"))return"array";i f("[object Function]"==c||"undefined"!=typeof a.call&&"undefined"!=typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable&&!a.propertyIsEnumerable("call"))return"function"} else return"null"; else if("function"==b&&"undefined"==typeof a.call)return"object";return b}function ca(a){return a!==j}function ga(a){return"array"==fa(a)}function v(a){var b=fa(a);return"array"==b||"object"==b&&"number"==typeof a.length}function w(a){return"string"==typeof a}function ha(a){return"function"==fa(a)}function ia(a){return a[ja]||(a[ja]=++ka)}function la(a,b,c){return a.call.apply(a.bind,arguments)} function…
The districts of Chattisgarh, known as the Naxal-affected belts, are areas where the scheduled tribes and castes make up more than 60 per cent of the population. Poverty is endemic in this region. The government is carrying out two types of development. The first is based on industries, mining and commercialization, and the second is linked with the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, the mid-day meal scheme and primary education. As far as the Naxal problem is concerned, the policy is to use ‘maximum force’. Which of these development models and policies is working is a critical question for the future of these states and their people.…
Yet, the various governments till now have failed to truly uplift the backward sections of the society and failed to provide them with equal opportunities even after 60 years of independence. Freedom and application of a reservation policy, has changed nothing. In reality, reservation has failed at all fronts. Not only has it failed to achieve the desired aim of bringing the non-privileged classes into mainstream, it has marginalised them all the more and deepened the caste system even more. Moreover, reservations is now used not as an effective means of eliminating discrimination but as a vile instrument of increasing the vote-bank.…
Partha Chatterjee has pointed out (1982: 9-38 passim) that There are numerous instances in Indian history, recent and not so recent, of peasant communities acting autonomously against the formally organised state, its agents, or functionaries ... The language of organised politics often characterises…
While the government have made efforts to eliminate caste discrimination, the measures will be ineffective if the Indian populace remains to stick to their traditional roots and practice superiority when in a caste of high rank. For caste discrimination to stop in the future, the younger generations need to learn to respect people from lower castes. Furthermore, in order for the justice system facilitate the elimination of caste discrimination and abuse, the police officers have to stop discriminating to the minority ethnic groups first. Only then, the justice system will not collapse and this will help spread the message that caste discrimination is…
There is a need of mutual love and peace in the society. Only when the land is peaceful, there will be advancement in the field of education. It is time for Northeast India to put down their weapons and wear humanity. The government of India should also take these problems seriously and take necessary actions for the upliftment of the people of this region. Northeast people should not be neglected in their own state as well as in the Capital city like New Delhi. The cultural diversities should be respected. In such situation, common men always become the victim. At last what will people gain through all those bloodshed?…