Nowadays, numerous people spend a lot of time using the Internet. Therefore, many companies invest substantial capital onInternet advertising to increase their revenue. YouTube is a useful method to advertise company produce, because 3 billion people watch YouTube every day (Henry. 2011). There are different typesof customer, so many companies focus on YouTube for this market. However, some people think YouTube is not a useful method for advertising; because many people may ignore the 15 seconds mandatory video advertisements or may not concentrate on the video advertisements (Fisher. 2011). This research considered whether YouTube is a good advertising method to encourage people to buy new products, to help company to increases revenue. Aims
Find out how YouTube increases company revenue
Find out whether YouTube changes people’s shopping habits
Find out if YouTube is a useful advertising tool for a company
1.2 Objectives
Give advice to companies as to how YouTube may be used to increase company revenue
Offer advice as to ways in which YouTube may influence changes in shopping habits
Method of Research
The project is based on secondary research and primary research. Secondary research information was used to gain information about YouTube and Internet advertising from academic books, journals, newspapers and websites. A survey was conducted in order to discover the attitude and opinions of the general public. A questionnaire was used as, according to McFedries (2008) questionnaires are considered to be the most effective and efficient way of conducting this type of primary research because it allows primary data and information from the interviewees directly.
The respondents consisted of 20 international students attending LSI school in Portsmouth. It was conducted on the 20th May 2013.
Findings from secondary research
YouTube is one of the most successful websites in the world. Many people may watch and listen to this website. As
References: Chaffey, D. (2003). Internet marketing: Strategy, implementation and practice. Harlow [u.a.: Financial Times Prentice Hall. England, E., & Tinney, A Jarboe, G. (2009). YouTube and video marketing: An hour a day. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley Pub. 3. Before the changes in 2012, how often did you watch a full advertisement on YouTube ? (Before the changes in 2012) On average, once every ten times the advertisement appeared