Distribution in Malaysia
Haron bin Rashid
International Islamic University Malaysia
This paper about the study of IIUM Students’ perception towards the efficiency of zakat management: distribution in Malaysia. All subjects were selected from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and the data were collected using the sampling technique used for the selection of these students that were chosen randomly from each 3 different faculties of IIUM. Besides, the perceptions from the students are based on their basic knowledge and what they learned in their faculty through 3 parts of questionnaires. The findings suggest that the efficiency of zakat management can be improved according to research situation.
Table of content Page
1. Introduction 4
2. Literature Review 8
3. Methodology 10
4. Discussion 15
5. Conclusion 17
References 17
Appendix 1 18
Appendix 2 19
1.0 Introduction
“Zakat as a vital instrument to fulfill the basic needs in an Islamic economy as well as an instrument of fiscal policy.” (Ziauddin Ahmad, 1991; Siddiqi, 1996; and Chapra, 2000).
Zakat is the third fundamental pillar of Islam, with the objective of distributing wealth to the less fortunate Muslim community and would therefore be able to less poverty among members of the ummah. Zakat is a Quranic term that signifies the specific obligation of giving a portion of an individual 's wealth and possessions for primarily charitable purposes.
Furthermore, it also carries other connotations of increase and virtue, as well as giving. It is also mentioned in the Quran together with other terms such as sadaqah that also carry the connotation of giving and of charity. Besides, Zakat is also the pivot and hub of Islamic public finance and covers the moral, social and economic spheres. In the
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