There are 196 independent countries in the world.
Some more economically developed than others, meaning that some have greater amount of wealth and a higher standard of living.
Economic development can be used to differentiate the countries that are richer than others and often wealth goes together with security, health and general well-being. Wealth and development is usually measured so-called Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Gross National Income (GNI) and the Human Development Index (HDI). These indexes along with others such as : Life Expectancy and the Global Peace Index give us a link to the past and shows us where the world is going in terms of development. This …show more content…
The changes of the scores however, don’t seem too extreme, even though there are no constant values throughout this time period in all three countries. The relationship between Zambia and Tajikistan is more alike than the relationship between Guatemala and Zambia and the changes in the value of their Gross National Income are really similar to each other. This concludes that if one were to answer the question of ‘which is the best place to live’ using this index alone; Guatemala would come on top with Zambia notably far away in second place and Tajikistan in the third and final place significantly defeated by the other …show more content…
The Life Expectancy at birth is incredibly important not only because it calculates the chance of an offspring possibly passing but also because it calculates the mortality rate that could directly interfere with you. in other words, if the Life Expectancy at birth is high, the mortality rate is low.
These figures show that for the 3rd time in a row throughout this report, Guatemala has the highest score. Ranking at number 145, Guatemala is 23 places higher than Tajikistan and 71 places higher than Zambia. Zambia and Tajikistan have 48 places between them which is a pretty high although without doubt a lot closer than Zambia and Guatemala with 71 places between them (as mentioned before). These figures tell us that Guatemala has the highest Life Expectancy at birth, therefore one can assume that it has the lowest mortality rate out of the three and would be the less dangerous place in terms of