
Zap It's The Future Analysis

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Assignment Eight
Discussion of how effectively the image reflects the content of the magazine article

“Zap! It’s the future”, a magazine article by author Chris Wood. The magazine article consists with the idea’s, that how the future will affect our life, and what will be the technologies that we will be using in our daily lives. In the magazine article there is also an illustration, by Leif Peng. If we look at illustration very carefully we can see that every detail in the picture is highly connected with the technologies mentioned in the article. Let’s start with the simplest detail we see in the picture, which in this case is a T-shirt. T-shirts are really simple to make! Nowadays they are made just from simple fabric, as we know. But what about the future, what will they be made off in the future? According to the magazine article the scientists from
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Besides Tactex, Israeli Vission Enterprises Ltd. are putting video on textiles by weaving them with fibre-optics threads that glow where they crisscross. The Tactex president Rob …show more content…

The future withholds many things for us which we can never imagine. Such as: jogging suit which contains dirt eating bacteria, color changing clothes, T-shirts which will provide us with vitamins and medicine or T-shirts which change to cellphones and video games, suitcases that will follow us or buildings that will change color to absorb heat or reflect it, but these are the technological things that scientists are making right now according to the magazine article, and who knows what will they be doing 20 or 30 years after. Maybe we will have shoes with rockets that can make us fly; or have glasses with TV on them like in movie “Back In The Future”; or maybe they are making them right now; who

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