Zappos Objectives
Since was founded in 1999, it was destined to be the most selling online shoe firm in the globe. The main reason for this success is the way the company manages its employees and that it always remembers its mission statement. Its success is mainly due to the focus it has on who it is selling its products to, rather than what it is selling. mission statement is " to provide the best customer service possible." Employees also call it the wow statement and has been the key factor for quick success in a global scale. This mission statement has helped with employee retention because the company goes through many steps to find objective based employees which clearly fit the company 's profile. They do mention that they have left behind very talented people who were not fitted with the company 's profile. Every employee goes through two interviews, one from management and one from the HR department, and then completes a 4 week course of training. To meet the company 's profile, employees must be humble, and must place we before I in any situation. The company sees this as a key to collaboration among employees and management. By the first week of training, the company offers the opportunity for people to leave the company if they feel they are not suited, or if they cannot meet the requirements that are to adhere to the company 's mission and vision. Employees who wish to leave are given $2,000 and a paycheck for what they have already worked. This is important to note because by the time an employee starts working at, he has gone through a training and hiring process in which he feels comfortable, and believes in the mission of the company. Employees who do not fit with the company profile, or who were just there for one paycheck, are usually removed by this time, and thus the company has only employees who are truly fit for the company ,and enjoy working there. This is the main reason why the company has been able to have
Cited: O 'Brien, Jeffrey M. "Zappos Knows How To Kick It. (Cover Story)." Fortune 159.2 (2009): 54-60. Business Source Complete. Web. 26 Feb. 2013.
Richards, Dick. "At Zappos, Culture Pays." Strategy Business. Booz & Company, 24 Aug 2010. Web. 26 Feb 2013. .