The current POS system has shown to be successful for Zara, however, Zara’s IT strategy does not reflect the strategic approach its supply chain has. As Zara’s supply chain is designed to be ahead of its competitors, its IT system has fallen behind the crowd. Zara has continued to upgrade its PDA devices but not its technological infrastructure in which it has built its success on. As the head of IT for Inditex I need your, Bruno Sanchez’s, serious consideration as Inditex’s technical lead in addressing the concern about Zara’s current POS system.
The decision to upgrade the current POS software system from the DOS is of strategic importance for Zara to continue delivery its rapid replenishment strategy while fulfilling future growth in new markets. I believe we need to act proactively to ensure Zara is able to continue growing steadily without any serious problems impeding continued success. Even though our current POS system is not broken, we need to be prepared for what can happen. We need to focus on what and how to adjust the IT aspect of Zara’s strategy in order to keep Zara’s approach of rapid replenishment and new product development a focal point of the corporate strategy.
I recommend the upgrade of the current operating system to the new Microsoft OS without purchasing additional DOS terminals while the upgrade is in progress. I recommend we take the opportunity during the upgrade to add new functions and networking capabilities requested by store personnel to allow us to continue to cultivate our competitive edge though our rapid replenishment strategy in the fashion markets. Specified IT personnel will be appointed for Zara at La Coruna and new strict policies and procedures regarding technical advancement will be distinguished. Once the new OS is programmed and installed in each store, the new appointed IT personnel will handle all troubleshooting calls, if any, and monitor success and feedback surveys that findings will