Zeltiq Consultation
Goal: Capture information on how customers learned about Zeltiq Coolsculpting, motivations and preferred area for body contouring, interactions with office staff, interactions with counselor/physician, whether they plan to move forward with a Zeltiq treatment plan, decision drivers, comments on experience.
Question Count: 13 to 15 + Demographics Questions
Timing: Sent immediately after attended consultation record
Zeltiq Post Service
Goal: Capture information about the first or any Zeltiq procedure, including dissatisfaction drivers for low-scoring patients, interactions with front office staff, interactions with physician / medical technician, post treatment instructions, patient comments, …show more content…
Please Rate the Bosley Physician or Medical Technician Who Performed Your Treatment:
Agree Strongly Agree No Opinion Disagree Disagree Strongly
Exhibited Professionalism
Made You Feel at Ease
Explained the Day's Plan in Detail
Answered All Your Questions
Provided You with Entertainment Options During Treatment (ex: TV, Magazines, etc.)
Minimized Your Discomfort During Procedure
5. Did your Bosley physician or medical technician mark the treatment area(s) for your approval?
6. Did a Bosley team member offer to schedule your next treatment or post procedure check-up and explain that you’d receive a reminder call?
7. Please rate the quality of the post-treatment instructions provided by Bosley Agree Strongly Agree No Opinion Disagree Disagree Strongly
Instructions were Thorough
Instructions were Easy to Understand
8. Are you currently pleased with your decision to undergo Zetiq CoolSculpting treatment with Bosley?
9. Please share a few thoughts about your Zetliq CoolScuplting (i.e., best traits of your physician or medical technician, how the procedure compared to your expectations). These details are extremely helpful and your insight is greatly