Social Policy1
Walter Belik2
Mauro Del Grossi3
This paper was prepared for the 25th International Conference of Agricultural Economists in Durban,
South Africa, August 2003. The authors wish to thank for the comments of Benjamin Davis and the helpful revision of Gisele Noce and Caitlin Houston .
Assistant Professor at the Instituto de Economia and Coordinator of Núcleo de Economia Agrícola at the State University of Campinas - Unicamp (
Director of Monitory and Evaluation in the Ministry of Food Security and Hunger Prevention in Brazil
The article analyzes the possibilities of implementation of a social policy dedicated to
Food Security in Brazil. It presents the main proposals taken for the Brazilian ZHP Program Hunger Zero tracing some parallel between its design and the Mexican
PROGRESA - Oportunidades. We utilized a hybrid profile for the ZHP, considering the selection of possible beneficiaries at that time by combining characteristics of a universal program regarding the right to adequate food guarantee with geographic targeting. Finally, the article presents some elements of analysis for the structural policies, which are being implemented, showing the effort of the ZHP in order to promote changes in the life conditions for those benefited families.
Keywords: Food Security, Social Policy, Poverty.
The goal of this work is to discuss the methodology established for the Zero Hunger
Program (ZHP) of Lula’s government, presenting its positions regarding the interplay between social policy and the its measures for fighting hunger. The text begins with a challenge to present a program that intends to provide attention to a citizen’s universal right, which is the right to adequate food. Simultaneously, the program seeks to apply
“targeting” techniques to identify the largest in-need
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