The potential threats are the staff being resistant to change, time restriction, and staff considering this transformation will be an increase in their workload. The data from hospital 1 recognized that CAUTI was a huge issue that a change was needed. Hospital 1 provided a quarterly rate for the year 2012-2014 and with the use of new protocols and policies in place help with the decline of the rate for each year. In 2012 there were 13.79 occurrences per 1000/Foley days, the hospital identified this was a significant amount that they decided to implement criterions for when catheters are appropriate. Due to this change in 2013, the rate decreased to a total of 10.44 occurrences per 1000/Foley days, and in 2014 the rate went down significantly to 4.5 occurrences per 1000/Foley days. There was no data presented for 2015-2017 but with the new implications of the appropriate need for Foley and time limitations of Foley catheters in place shows an improvement in achieving the rate to
The potential threats are the staff being resistant to change, time restriction, and staff considering this transformation will be an increase in their workload. The data from hospital 1 recognized that CAUTI was a huge issue that a change was needed. Hospital 1 provided a quarterly rate for the year 2012-2014 and with the use of new protocols and policies in place help with the decline of the rate for each year. In 2012 there were 13.79 occurrences per 1000/Foley days, the hospital identified this was a significant amount that they decided to implement criterions for when catheters are appropriate. Due to this change in 2013, the rate decreased to a total of 10.44 occurrences per 1000/Foley days, and in 2014 the rate went down significantly to 4.5 occurrences per 1000/Foley days. There was no data presented for 2015-2017 but with the new implications of the appropriate need for Foley and time limitations of Foley catheters in place shows an improvement in achieving the rate to