School safety is an important issue to provide appropriate, safe, and a positive environment for the education of students. The existences of laws provide a suitable environment for education. Zero tolerance is a law that can maintain the safety of a school. A zero tolerance policy in schools is a policy of punishment. The zero tolerance policy is common with staff, students, parents or even visitors. It is a policy to protect schools and make them safe. However, if the policy is used in the right way, there are many benefits. Zero-tolerance policies are enacted to address weapons, drugs, and violent offenses as a way to protect students and maintain a safe learning environment most conducive to learning. Moreover, students and …show more content…
their parents should have an idea about the schools’ policies before going to the schools. In this paper I will discuss what the zero tolerance case was about, importance of zero tolerance in my professional work, explain the definition of zero tolerance and my personal reflection of zero tolerance.
A zero tolerance is an important case that has impacted the field of education. The study case of this situation is that some students threatened to use gun against a teachers or schoolmates. Wilson principal would take immediate procedure against students who threaten to use gun or heating teachers or students. That same day the principle sent students home with a letter to this effect for their parents to inform them about this statute. A.G. is a kindergarten student at Wilson, while he was playing with friends. A.G. said, “I’m going to shoot you.” A student who headed this speech told a teacher, and the teacher took A.G. and his friends to Baumann’s office (principle). The teacher and principle said that children who were around of A.G. and his friends were upset and annoyed by the speech. The Principle suspended A.G. and friends for three days. The principle tried to contact with A.G.’s parents, but it was unable. However, principle sent a letter home with the A.G. to inform his parent about suspension. A.G.’s father, S.G., contacted Sayreville (N.J.) county school superintendent, William Bauer, and protested the suspension, but Bauer stood behind Baumann’s decision. S.G. then filed a suit in the federal court for the District of New Jersey, alleging that the Sayreville Board of Education, Bauer, and Baumann violated A.G.’s right to free speech. The district court granted the defendants’ summary judgment motion and dismissed the suit before trial. S.G. appealed.(…wepsite...)
This case proceeded through the courts by student’s father.
Students ’s father, protested the suspension, then he filed a suit in the federal court. “The Third Circuit Court recently upheld the three days suspension of a kindergarten student for saying, “I’m going to shoot you” while playing “guns” with friends at recess (A. G. v. Sayreville Board of Education, 2003). The court explained that the student had informed about the consequences of misbehavior and heating. (book…….2013, P, )(APA, 2010, p. 88).Uniformly enacted zero tolerance policies in response to GFSA for students possessing a weapon in school. I believe zero tolerance policies have reduced gun violence in schools. Educators, parents, and community members are worry about the safety of students. Schools should establish and inform students and their parents about reasonable zero tolerance policies. "Zero tolerance is generally defined as a school district policy that mandates predetermined consequences or punishment for specific offenses, regardless of the circumstances, disciplinary history, or age of the student …show more content…
The impact of the decision on education today is that the district has a legitimate interest in providing a safe environment for students. A zero tolerance policy is a strong law that can prevent or reduce students doing whatever is wrong in school. The zero tolerance is the most engaging topic for me because it is a strong and safe law that can prevent crimes like drugs, guns, alcohol, violence, and tobacco. I believe that zero tolerance is a kind of punishment that can save and protect people and schools. Schools have to create and maintain safe schools as secure and effective places of learning.
The zero tolerance policy has been of important to my professional work that workplace (school) safety is one of those better-safe-than-sorry areas of the school district, where prevention is critical.
The school districts inform policies appear to preclude violent behavior in the workplace, early intervention helps prevent more serious acts. Instituting a zero tolerance for schools violence policy sends a clear message to all staff and students that there are consequences for misbehavior and violent actions.For example, …………."the American Psychological Association (2006) reported finding no evidence that zero tolerance reduced school violence or improved student behavior." Rather, the National Center for Education Statistics reported "schools with no crime reported were less likely to have a zero tolerance policy for violence than schools that had reported one or more serious
My opinion, in an era rife with violence, drug use, fraud, sexual harassment, and racial and age discrimination, it’s an increasingly popular way to take a strong stand. Today, zero tolerance policies are everywhere. Zero tolerance is a way to control undesirable behavior and workplace problems. Moreover, zero tolerance sends an unmistakable message to staff and students’ unacceptable and detrimental behavior will not be tolerated under any circumstances.The issue that is raised by the readings that need further investigation is that I read that some schools use zero tolerance policies as expulsion from schools for one year. That means guilty students are not in school for a long time. They cannot learn very well even if they try in home, also they do not have opportunities for learning or other academic activities. Methodology would propose to do that expulsion could be some days from schools. Schools should use different types of discipline will effect on students positive behavioral. To correct misbehavior the school should use the fit discipline or punishment to solve the misbehavior or dangerous behavior that can affect other students. The goal of zero-tolerance policies is to reduce and prevent harmful behavior and provides safe schools and learning environment for teachers and students. My learning of zero tolerance will impact my professional practice that as an educator try to use different strategies for dealing with violations of school rules, because students need to feel safe at school. Zero tolerance policies made schools safer and more effective in handling disciplinary issues. The intent of the zero tolerance policy is to rid schools of negativity in order to promote a safe environment of learning is a positive goal. Principle and teachers can create a climate leads to positive environment for learning. Teach students needed skills for successful interaction in school and society. Interpersonal skills make students more capable of interacting successfully with others in school and beyond. Reduce rates of future misbehavior.
My attitude has been modified by either the author’s discussion of my processing of the topic is that I read zero tolerance is generally defined as a school district policy that mandates predetermined consequences or punishment for specific offenses, regardless of the circumstances, disciplinary history, or age of the student involved. However, I thought that after the occurrence of the crime or problem, the school schedules a meeting to discuss and determine the fit punishment. However, I found that the punishment is already determined in zero tolerance law. This idea is, is it really better to prevent the problems and make schools safe.
In conclusion, schools should be a safe place for students and staff who work in schools. Zero tolerance is a law every school should inform parents and students about to facilitate the effectiveness for behavioral change. In addition, parents and students need to have an idea about the schools’ policies. Also, schools should work with parents to have an idea about how the rules and regulations work to build a safe learning environment. When schools are clear when outlining punishments for wrong actions and behaviors, students know what will happen should they choose to engage in these action or behaviors. This will help to build safe and positive schools.