Zeus and Elohim were both very unloving toward other gods. The best example of Zeus being unloving is when he killed his father, Cronus. It says on page 21 in the book, Mythology, “Cronus ruled over the other Titans until his son Zeus dethroned him and seized power for himself.” Elohim’s first commandment was “You shall have no other gods …show more content…
Zeus’ love was conditional. He only loved them sometimes, but when they displeased him, he cursed them. One example of Zeus cursing humans is with Pandora’s box, when he released evils such as disease, war and hate on the world. Elohim’s love, however, is unconditional and whatever humans do, he will not stop loving them. It says in Romans 5:8, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Elohim loved humans so much that he gave his only son so that they could live.
Both gods were loved and worshiped by humans. Humans also were required to make animal sacrifices to them if they did something wrong. People made altars to worship Zeus in their homes. They also made shrines to honor him on mountain tops because he was the god of the sky and they wanted their shrines to be as close as possible to him. Elohim’s earliest followers were called Jews. They loved Elohim by following the rules that he gave them, praising him. Psalm 145:1 is a good example of their love for him. “I exalt You, my God the King, and praise Your name forever and