Presented by: Faculty:
Niha Jawaid Dr.Imdad Shah
Muneeb Fazal Group #
We would like to begin by first thanking our instructor and mentor Imdad Shah, whose guidance and knowledge proved to be most valuable in this course. His never ending efforts at making us more aware of the past present and future and to motivate us to become scholars of our generation will indeed not go in vain. Thank you (Muneeb Fazal – Niha Jawaid)
Zia Ul Haq:
After receiving his early schooling from Government High School Simla, he attended St. Stephen College, Delhi. He was ascribed in the British Army in 1943 and served during World War II. After the war, he was sure to join the armored corps. At the time of freedom Zia-ul-Haq opted to join the Pakistan Army.
He got an occasion as a Major, to do a preparation course in the Commander and Staff College of United States of America in 1963-64. Zia acted as the Assistant Quarter Master of 101 Infantry Division, during the 1965 war, which was posted at the Kiran Sector. In Jordan he was caught up in training Jordan’s military from 1967 to 1970. He was chosen as Corps Commander of Multan in 1975. Martial Law was imposed for the third time in Pakistan by General Zia ul Haq.
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the then Prime Minister of Pakistan, allotted Zia ul Haq as Chief Of Army Staff on April 1st 1976. Bhutto wanted to sign up someone as the Chief of army stuff who wouldn’t provide evidence to be a menace and at the time the best obtainable selection was Zia ul Haq to him. Due to the gridlock between Bhutto and the leadership of Pakistan Alliance on the issue of general elections, the political anxiety reached to its height and Zia took benefit of this situation. He imposed
References: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1025193,00.html http://www.tribuneindia.com/2005/20050804/world.htm#5 http://storyofpakistan.com/death-of-general-zia-ul-haq/ http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1025193,00.html http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2008316story_16-3-2008_pg3_3