Zika had its first outbreak on an island in Yap in 2007, as of now we know that many countries are experiencing these same outbreaks. It's found in mostly tropical climates which is why you can find it in Rio. This summer the olympics were held in Rio,many of the Athletes didn't travel and compete because of the risk of the Zika virus. Most of the athletes are planning to have a family at some point in their life and they felt that them and their family lives will be a stake if there were to travel to Rio, and potentially come in contact with …show more content…
When you are pregnant and you contract the Zika virus the child is also at risk. The virus travels through the bloodstream and infects the fetus. This causes the child to be born with many different types of birth defects.
Therefore, Zika can be passed through sexual contact such as vaginal, anal, and oral sex. In order to prevent this from happening you should consider to use a dental dam. A dental dam is a latex or polyurethane sheets used through sexual contact. This will lower your chance of contracting the Zika virus.
In Addition, one of the birth defects a child can contract is Microcephaly which means that the child is being born with a head that is smaller than expected when it's being compared to the same sex and age. There are many different complications such as hearing loss, vision and feeding problems. The child will have trouble swallowing their food or maintaining to keep food down in there system which can lead to many other problems.
Nobody denies, that the Zika symptoms are unbearable. Some of the symptoms are pain in the back of the eyes, joints or ache muscles, lost of of appetite or sweating. Most people don't feel the full effect of the symptoms in a few