Thus, the legacy of his academic contribution
Thus, the legacy of his academic contribution
Testimony in Counterpoint by Stefania Pandolfo introduces Roqiya, a Moroccan patient who’s under hospitalized care. Roqiya was traumatized ever since her husband left her: she constantly thought not only about the breakup but also about the negative connotations from which others would view her: an example of such would be to call her a fasda. “The other day a man approached her by the side of the river in her village and insulted her, accusing her of being fasda, defiled” (Pandolfo 78). Nonetheless, the reading essentially caters a psychological analysis of the patient Roqiya and how a psychiatrist can be of the best help to her.…
I think the Milgram and Zimbardo’s results is a good theory for the Holocaust. When the two, Instructor and Student, were in role play for every wrong answer the instructor would shock the student. At times when the instructor would say, “I don’t want to do this” or “I can’t do this” shows he does have a consequence, but he continued to still push the trigger. Although it was just an actor playing the role and no one was being shocked it is terrible to see how he continued to go on with the test. All I could think was, “really $4?” …this man playing the role as the instructor should have called it quits. However I know sometimes it is hard to get the whole, “I have to do this or…” out of your mind. Which I feel was the point of the test we…
The late Howard Zinn is a much respected historian. His views are known to be bold and nonetheless controversial. In his book, “A People’s History of the United States,” Zinn touches on topics such as indentured servants, angry civilians, and the United States Constitution.…
“The Perils of Obedience” was an experiment done by Stanley Milgram concentrating on the conflict between obedience to the authority and individual’s self. Milgram created a threatening shock generator with starting level of 30 volts and expanding up to 450 volts. The experiment was set up with having an experimenter, a participant who was the subject, and a confederate pretending to be a volunteer. The teachers were told to ask questions from the learners and every time they gave a wrong answer, an electric shock was given and was increased 15 volt on each wrong answer. As the experiment advanced, the participants heard the learners argue to be discharged and complained about their heart condition.…
A People’s History of the United States is a book that explores the history of the United States. Howard Zinn writes from an omniscient point of view, this includes the view of the European explorers, the Native Americans, and scholars who study the discovery of America. Zinn’s book isn’t an alternative history as some say, it is history told with excruciating details that allow for reasoning from bias and change the impression of readers, and something to learn off of when it comes to history in the making.…
In 1963, Stanley Milgram, a psychologist at Yale University, conducted a series of social psychology experiments to study the conditions under which the people are obedient to authorities and personal conscience. The purpose of his experiment was to determine whether or not people were particularly obedient to the higher authority who instructed them to perform various acts even if they violate their own morals and ethics. It was one of the most famous studies of obedience in psychology as it has inspired other researchers to explore what makes people question authority and more importantly, what leads them to follow orders. There were several replications of his experiment and the results were identical to those reported by Milgram about how…
It is clearly shown when the difference in people's malicious behavior when shocking the students in the presence of authority and when given the freedom to choose the level of shock. The thesis of Milgram's essay was that obedience is a deeply ingrained behavior tendency; indeed, a potent impulse overriding reining ethics, sympathy and moral conduct is right on the dot. He also discusses the extreme willingness of man to obey authority at any length. This shows that "ordinary people, simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in a terrible destructive process." This is proven by the fact that the majority of people were willing to shock students almost to the assumed point of death when instructed to do so by a…
Jonestown and all of the examples I have given earlier in this piece are just a couple out of numerous examples of the theme throughout this semester. I’ve learned a lot this year from all of these readings. I picked Jonestown and Jim Jones because I don’t know a lot about it. It goes untold and not talked about. I thought that they would teach it in high school but there was nothing. I learned so much throughout this process and I’m glad to have written this paper. Obedience to authority is becoming more and more apparent and should not go unnoticed like it has in the…
In The Perils of Obedience, Stanley Milgram expresses his findings of an experiment he conducted trying to prove the lengths people will go to be obedient to authority.…
As an activist, anarchist, and self-declared democratic socialist, Howard Zinn admires the American people and their enthusiasm to improve their circumstances through protest and provocation (Zinn, Personal; Zinn, A People’s 9-10). He reflects this throughout A People’s History of the United States, placing emphasis on the plights of minorities, women, and the working class. By doing this, he chronicles the rarely told story of their struggle for equality in a biased, capitalist society. Though the US Constitution promised to “provide for the common deference,” the American government often catered to the will of wealthy businessmen and the male Caucasian elite (Constitutional). Due to the fact that the United States government failed to…
The aim of Milgram’s Study of Obedience (1963) was to investigate how far people would go in obeying an authority figure. He advertised in local newspapers. The ad was for participation in a study of learning at Yale University. Participants would be paid $4.50 just for turning up. Through the ads, Milgram had signed up 40 males between the ages of 20 to 50 with various occupations, and all came from a range of…
Milgram’s infamous 1963 study into the nature of obedience is often portrayed in the media as strong evidence for an innate human predisposition to obedience, “resistance is futile” (Parker, 2007) when it comes to the human condition to obey – even in a “destructive” (Milgram, 1963) sense. As Milgram (1963) himself states, obedience as a concept is one of the most fundamental aspects of society, and much has frequently been made of drawing parallels with the atrocities carried out by the Third Reich and the data produced by Milgram’s obedience studies [most notably the dramatic results of the baseline study (Haslam, 2012)]. The ideation is frequently asserted that Nazis themselves were displaying blind obedience (Debattista, 2012) to their superiors, and this blind obedience is what is captured in Milgram’s 1963 experiment, although this proposition must be questioned in lieu of a scientific analysis of Milgram’s actual works,…
“Disobedience,” the word has different connotations. Many people have disobeyed throughout the course of their life, considering that rebellion is a natural human instinct. This refusal to obey is a trait that cannot suppress, especially in the fight for correct human rights.…
How do Milgram’s results—particularly the finding that the remoteness of the victim affected the obedience—relate to some aspects of modern warfare?…
This means that Milgram has contributed to the fact that people do obey to authority so they won’t face the consequences, or simply to just get a promotion or reward out of it. The Taliban has also forced the supporters to do whatever they command them to do in order to be accepted by the group. Asch was correct about his experiment, because people do conform because they have a desire to be a part of something, making it a basic inability that everyone has. It is true that people do obey and conform, especially within groups, to show that they are tolerated to perform appalling acts that will simply make the person not even think about what they are doing, but for the sake of their own…