The writer clearly had no idea what they were doing. The paper has no central focus. The information seems to have been randomly selected and dumped into the paper without any logic or organization. Additionally, sources were not properly cited or referenced. Overall, this is a really bad example of research-based writing.…
Doubts were raised and investigated regarding the quality of data he was publishing. Harward University which is a world class academic institution also suffered a damage to its reputation due to this conflict between Mr German and Mr Robin. Doubts were raised on the quality of research being conducted at Harward University as well as the quality of its teachers and students. In addition the university had to face litigation. 3.…
What evidence does the report provide that the analysis is accurate and appropriate? Were data displayed in a manner that allows you to verify the researcher's conclusions? (4…
The procedures of this article had only a few flaws. During the process of data collection there was…
In the journal article assigned to Forum 1, the authors assert that they were able to make conclusions about treatment.…
What type of scientific techniques/instruments/methods were used to study the evidence ? What was the result of each test?…
Analysis: I found this article to be both credible and reliable mainly on the fact that it’s…
The tone of the piece helps consumers buy the product. “According to scientific-sounding literature…” The scientific “sounding” evidence is no evidence at all. The writer uses it as they use “pseudoscience” to convey the tone of the piece. After reading “science” so many times, it might sound as though they are a professional…
Often prevalent is the technique of supporting your sources. However, this article uses diction in order to continually support the sarcastic tone. The quote "According to a scientific-sounding literature..." mocks how markets try to sell products to consumers.…
Robert Ryan, B. Sc., is a Bachelor of Science, making his opinions appear educated and well thought out. Someone reading his article can tell his education is possibly foreign, because he spells some words differently. In one paragraph, he spelled organization, like organisation. In another, he spelled program, like programme. This article was found on the internet, not proving much. The website this article was found on is called Campaign against Fraudulent Medical Research. There is a disclaimer listed at the bottom of the site, which could lead one to believe that the information read should be taken lightly. This disclaimer states that the information presented may not be factual. Mr. Ryan did cite his sources though, inferring that the information used was factual. The author was an important aspect of the article, because his background knowledge helped shape the paper. Reading a paper written by someone with a college background is easier to believe than a non-educated author. The author claims things in his paper that may or may not be true.…
One of the most pertinent scenes within the film ‘What’s Eating Gilbert Grape’ is the final scene, the burning of the family home. After Mommas passed away, Gilbert films protagonist had the idea of burning the house down to protect his mother’s dignity and ensure that she isn’t made a joke. Though the death of Momma played a huge role in the reason the house was burnt down, it was not the only one. Aside from Momma passing away, the Grape house hold a lot of memories.…
What is the conclusion of the article? How might these findings be useful to other researchers?…
For example, as in the article ¨´Ńo Pass/No Drive´: The Answer To High School Drop-out Rates?¨ the author references a study done in 2000 that proved No pass/No drive to be successful in lowering student dropout rates. The author wrote ¨One study in 2000, found that, in kentucky, lower performing counties were able to lower their dropout rates to match better performing counties when they used the ´no pass/no drive´ policies¨ (pg.6). This shows, inarguably, that schools with the no pass/no drive law in operation have lower dropout rates.…
Thrasymachus, a famous Sophist philosopher, shared his theory that injustice has greater advantages than justice. He says that injustice is “superior to justice in strength and freedom and autocratic power.” This is because he believes that a just man always has the worst of it. Thrasymachus defines “just” as those who serve the interest of the stronger at the cost of the subject who obeys, and “injustice” as asserting authority over those innocents so that they may please their master, instead of having their own happiness or gaining an advantage. His bases his idea that the unjust are more successful than the just because the more honest of two competitors never comes off with the larger share and always sacrifices more than they need to. “If there is money to be distributed, the dishonest man will get it all.”He states that they miss out on so many advantageous opportunities that only the unjust man could claim. The unjust man can get the better of other people on a interest not to be just.…
|LESSONS COVERED: Development of the Periodic Table, Arrangement of the Elements, Metals, Nomnetals and Metaloids |…