© KCDistance Learning WebQuest: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 50 points
Directions: The state of Palestine was divided in 1947 to establish the nation of Israel, resulting in two separate homelands for the Arab and Jewish people. This land separation has sharply divided Arabs and
Israelis for over 50 years, resulting in ongoing violent conflicts. For this WebQuest, you will develop a historical understanding of the complex issues behind the decisions made in the Middle East, specifically in Israel/Palestine, by examining the multiple perspectives & agendas of the various parties involved. Use the following online resources to answer the questions below: PBS: History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict http://www.www.pbs.org/pov/pdf/promiese/promises-timeline.pdf (Or use the following keywords in an online search engine: frontline shattered dreams of peace) NPR: National Public Radio- The Mideast: A Century of Conflict http://www.npr.org/news/specials/mideast/history/index.html New York Times: A Brief History of the Israeli- Palestinian Conflict http://www.nytimes.com/learning/teachers/studentactivity/20090109gazahistory.pdf (Or use the following keywords in an online search engine: Washington Post Israeli Palestinian conflict) Online NewsHour: Israeli‐Palestinian Conflict (Use “resources” in the right column and see "Newsmakers:
Two Views of the Conflict" and "Coping with Conflict") http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/middle_east/conflict/ (Or use the following keywords in an online search engine:Online Newshour Israel Palestine Conflict) Answer the following questions:
1. Who is involved in this conflict? (2 points) Jerusalem
2. What region is at the heart of the conflict? Describe the claim that both groups have on this region. (3 points) Jerusalem, Palestine wants to make it an unified capitol of Judism
3. What is Israel? When was it founded and by whom? (3 points)
Is the modern city, founded in 1948 by Jewish settlers
4. What is the Zionist Movement? (2 points) The national movement of Jews and Jewish culture that supports the creations of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the land of Israel
5. Describe the role of the U.S. in the establishment of Israel, a Jewish state. (3 points) The us voted in the diffirmative for the Israel’s statehood and encouraged others to do so.
6. How did the Holocaust affect the formation of a Jewish homeland? (3 points) After the holocaust, people in Europe stopped their disregard for the Jews and their plight and that, is one of the main factors behind the creation of Israel.
7. What is the PLO? Whom does it represent? (3 points) Palestine’s liberation organization, they represent the Palestinians and the people who kill the israel’s
8. Which nations are opposed to a Jewish state? (2 points) Palestine, Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Gaza, and Westbank
9. What was the intifada? Who was involved and what caused it? (3 points) Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation in the Palestinian territories.
10. What caused the rise of militant Islam? What is its link to modern terrorism? (3 points) An international political games to control the Islamic countries and the resources
11. What is Hamas? (3 points) Is the Arabic acronym for the Islamic resistance movement, a Palestinian organization committed to eliminating Israel and replacing it with an Islamic state.
12. Briefly summarize the following leaders' roles in the Israeli‐Palestinian conflict: Yasser Arafat,
Menachem Begin, Anwar Sadat, Jimmy Carter, Yitzhak Rabin, Bill Clinton, Shimon Peres,
Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Barak, Ariel Sharon. (20 points – 2 points each) Yasser Arafat=A Hero
Menachem Begin= Terrorist, became politician just like the IRA
Anwar Sadat= Misguided Hero
Jimmy Carter=Did his best
Yitzhak Rabin=Moderate, for an Israeli
Bill Clinton=Brilliant
Shimon Peres= Misguided
Benjamin Netanyahu= Murderer
Ehud Barak= Not as impressive as we expected
Ariel Sharon= Evil man