Photosynthesis is a process to which some autotrophs such as plants produce their own food. It has two stages or reactions light-dependent and light-dependent reactions. The light dependent reactions are the first stage, where energy from sunlight is captures in Photosystem 2 and then 1, the electrons generated in Photosystem 1 then moves along the electron transport chain. The moving of electrons causes a hydrogen ion gradient that is used in the final step to produce ATP, by the ATP Synthase. The equation for this reaction is 6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6+6O2 or, carbon dioxide +water sugars + oxygen . This reaction takes place on the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast and uses energy from sunlight to produce compounds like ATP and NADPH. The second stage of photosynthesis is the Calvin Cycle, which takes place in the stoma of the chloroplast. This stage is light-independent or it does not need energy from sunlight. During this reaction ATP and NADPH from Stage 1are used to produce high energy sugars. The reaction is 3CO2 + 6NADPH + 5H2O + 9ATP G3P + 2H+ + 6NADP+ + 9ADP + 8Pi . Additionally, the three limiting factors of photosynthesis are the light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration, and the temperature. Lastly, the items used in this particular experiment were baking soda to provide CO2, a light to excite the electrons in stage 1, distilled…
Before you leave, pack some sunblock and bug repellent to keep your skin healthy for the entire tour. Visitors who have a spinal injuries, a recent surgeries or are currently pregnant should not go on the zipline. Before leaving, put on closed-toed shoes and tuck back any loose clothing. Jewelry should be avoided and long hair should be safely pulled back. All participants should be at least 6 years old and weigh over 60 pounds.…
Whether you are looking for an unbeatable adventure or a bird's eye view of Hawaii, Maui ziplines are the top tour to go on. On these zipline tours, you can hike through the jungle and check out panoramic views of the ocean. Depending on what you are looking for, you can book zipline tours that include things like swimming, horseback riding, sun bathing and ATV riding. No matter what you are looking for, you can find it in beautiful Maui.…
One hot summer day in Dallas Texas ,I have been taking a tour of Dallas Cowboy Stadium .And were at the highest point in Cowboy Stadium and you could see this big ride way up in the air and I've been looking at it for awhile now and I asked our tour guide. I said hey you see that huge ride over there what is that called he alright folks and look over there you see that big ride that's called 6 six flags It has some of the bests roller coasters you'll ever ride ,and you can get discounts for coming to us he said remind me and I'll give you the discount sheet to go over there. This moment I had to face the greatest fear that I have struggled with for the first nine years of my life.…
Although I nearly died, I carry an enduring memory from the trip: the Leap of Faith water slide. At the time, silky-white slides that towered at such angles appalled me. When my turn to ride the harrowing slide arrived, I completely ignored the frivolous rules by sitting straight up on the way down. As I exited the bottom of the slide, my mother and sister sprinted towards me, expressions of fear across their bleached faces. Never did it cross my mind that I put my life in jeopardy, until they reprimanded me for not reading the safety guidelines. “I could have lost you,” my mother exclaimed despite the tears welling up in her…
When we got there we each had to fill out papers clearly stating our medical information but, of course, my parents had to sign too. Once everything had been signed we had to wait about thirty minutes for everyone else to get there. I was furious because we had to wear a stupid life jacket and I complained the whole time, saying stuff like I look stupid in this or I don’t wanna wear it. Finally after a while I had finally gotten over it and enjoyed the gorgeous scenery. After everyone had arrived there was almost over one hundred people! I thought it was going to be a group of about ten. After we went over the rules we had to board a bus to the river itself, which was about forty minutes or so. Once we had made it there we were all told to get into a raft and sit on the edges, but, of course my dad was in charge telling us all what to do. After, we had done a couple of rapids it was finally time for a swim break, right away I had fell out and scraped my knee and to make it even worse the water…
I was getting ready for my trip at blue john canyon I was getting all my stuff packed. My water, ropes, carabineers and my knife every thing that I needed for my trip, I went out got in my truck and left It was going to be a decently long trip but I was ready. It took I few hours but I finally made it to blue john, it was late so I went to sleep. Saturday morning I went for my long bike ride to make it to the big drop where I wanted to go. It was a seventeen mile bike ride that’s pretty far and it was tough with the cross wind plus carrying fifteen pounds of supplies. When I arrived i started hiking and admiring the beautiful sites. Then I heard two voices which was a surprise because not many people come here. There were two women…
After we went to the bathroom and changed our wet cloth to our dry cloth, we headed straight for the roller coaster. I’m not going to lie, I was afraid if most of them, but my big brother told me it’s not scary it is fun. That made me feel brave and bold. The first ride I rode was the Fiesta Texas, where you go up and fall straight down. I was terrified, but after I saw a five year old looking boy get off, I wasn’t going to let him be braver than me. It was finally my turn. When we were going higher, I could see the people as dots, I thought in my mind I…
I have traveled to many places in the world, but traveling to Cancun is the most horrible experience that I’ve ever had in my life. Last year my family and I went to Cancun for our family vacation trip. It was my first trip to the beach. I was playing with my cousin on the beach then we decided to go into the water. I was fine for a few minutes and then all the sudden, I had some weird feeling that I might drown into the water. As I was thinking about it, the weaves became large and I got more scared my cousin had no idea that I don’t know how to swim. I started to panic and the situation became worst. When my cousin saw me in that situation he helped me to get out of the water. I almost drown in the ocean because I thought I could swim. From…
My church was having a trip to Six Flags and I didn’t want to miss it. Since we are in Killen and Dallas is a 3hr drive we decided to leave early (I’m guessing that’s the reason why). I got to church sometime around 6:30- 6:45 and left sometime around 7:00. We talked, listened to music and slept like on any trip. And it wasn’t all that exciting till we actually got there. Since this was my first trip there, i was VERY excited and anxious to ride the roller coasters. So we got there and walked around and decided to ride the titan. The Titan was the craziest roller coaster of them all. Now when you’ve never been on a roller coaster, the one thing you don’t know is that, they are MUCH bigger then they look. Before I actually rode the Titan, I did not think we were going to be so high up. We just kept going up..... And up..... And up...... and up..... And up.....…
We started hiking through a big pasture in all of our wet, cold kayaking gear. After an hour of walking through the pasture, we ended up walking into the jungle which gets thicker the deeper you go into it. It was a very steep hike and we had to cross over two cliffs where we would have died if we had slipped and fallen. I was at the back of the pack of people trudging through the jungle, so it was very muddy and slippery. All of us were slipping and grabbing anything to stay up, and you would usually be grabbing a thorn vine and tearing up your hand. After two hours of trudging through the jungle, we still could not find the campsite, so we circled back around and found a old abandoned farming cabin to sleep in that night. Everyone on the trip thought we would die in that jungle because it was so dangerous. The next morning we went back down to the kayaks and paddled down the rest of the muddy river to the campsite. The Red Cross came the next day and also we made an appearance on multiple Costa Rican…
It was about 10:00 and it was time for our free period when we were allowed to go down the slides, the diving boards, or just swim on our own. Three of my buddies said they were going to go off the high dive, I was too shy to speak up about being afraid. I knew it was too little too late now I had to face my fears and just jump. We got in line, and it was as if I was in a trans just staring at everyone climb up the ladder and without hesitation jump and plunge into the icy water. Before I knew it I was on deck and I could feel stomach churning a little bit, as if on cue I heard the splash of Sam and knew it was my turn. I grabbed the metal bars and slowly made my way to the top, I felt like I was a mile off the…
First, we went to the office to sign all the waivers, which made me really nervous for my life. Since we had a long wait, we sat down with the other people who were in our group. I met an elderly man and his wife; they were very polite and friendly. It was their first time parasailing also. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, it was time for us to board the boat. We had to walk across the street and down a long walkway to get to the dock. As we were boarding the boat I almost slipped and fell into the water.…
“Wooooshhhhh!!!” At blast off, California Screamin, took us through twists and turns, with an upside down loop. People were screaming their lungs out when the steel roller coaster soared into the air like a rocket. The terrifying speed made my toes curl and the strong wind pushed my head against the rubber black seat. I cried bloody murder on the coaster as it fell plumb down almost touching the ground. All too soon, it was over. After I got off of the thrill ride, I found my haggard look with disheveled hair through a snapshot picture. This is simply too awful to contemplate.…
It was the most frightening experience of my life I wish that will never ever happen to me again even though I was an…