Imagine that every time you die you are reborn as another person who you have no idea about. This kind of life must be confusing and exciting. This is happens in the novel named Flight. Flight is the hilarious and tragic story with a powerful, swift storyline. The book is about a troubled orphaned Indian boy called Zits who had tolerated all the discrimination and injustice and he kept being indifferent to people and became a serial killer then eventually the bodyguard kill him. He resurfaces in the form of an FBI agent during the civil rights era. Since then, every time he travels back and forth in time he becomes a different person. Form a FBI agent, to an Indian child during the battle of Little Big Horn, and then he rides with an Indian tracker in the 19th Century before arriving as an airline pilot jetting through the skies. When finally, blessedly, Zits comes to rest again in his own contemporary body. Zits’ passionate character is developed through these experiences All he’s seen mightily transforms him. From his time traveling, Zits learns revenge might not solve everything but only causes new problems; therefor, he learns that everyone feels pain and he should sympathize with people and finally, Zits learns he has the power to define himself.
The first thing Zits learns from his transformation is that revenge cannot be the solution of everything but instead; it causes more pain and problems. When he was trucked in the body of an Indian mute child during the battle at Little Big Horn. The Indian boy's father forces the boy to face his own feelings about revenge by cutting a white soldiers throat. Zits now has an opportunity for revenge on the whites, which he has despised his entire life, but Zits feels guilty. Zits wonders: “Is revenge a circle inside of a circle inside of a circle”? (77) Zits start to think the consequences of revenge and whether revenge truly solves anything. If he can kill a white soldier