Sometimes even for pure entertainment, in popular zoos around the world, to exhibits from national primate research centers to small academic institutions with very few capuchin monkeys (Fragaszy, 2005). Since the captive capuchin monkeys are used for research and entertainment, they must be cared for in health and behavioral matters. Therefore, those individuals and institutions caring for captive primates are obligated to ensure the primates are in an adequate facility (Fragaszy, 2005). However, wild capuchin monkeys don’t have the luxury for anyone to facilitate a specific living area for them. These primates learn to survive in groups throughout their entire lives. Males, females, and the young primates travel, sleep, and feed one another everyday (Fragaszy, 2005). Similar to the captive capuchin monkeys, they live compatible in pairs or groups. Capuchin monkeys endure hardships if faced of living alone, therefore a companion is required for them to live happily. They can also associate and live with other species such as, squirrel monkeys. And in addition, if one of the capuchin monkeys is lost, they simply call out loudly and vigorously searches for its group, until it is able to find and join it once again (Fragaszy, 2005). However, a key difference between the captive and wild capuchin monkeys is that, captive capuchin monkeys are unable to solve everyday problems that wild…