Bestiality is the practice of sexual activity between humans and non-human animals, or a preference for or fixation on such practice. Bestiality is also known as Zoophilia and, people who practice zoophilia are known as zoophiles, zoosexuals or simply "zoos". The word zoophilia is usually used to mean a sexual preference towards animals. People who identify as zoophiles may feel their love for animals as romantic rather than purely sexual, and say this makes them different from those committing entirely sexually motivated acts of bestiality. Not all zoophiles act on their sexual attraction to animals.
Although sex with animals is not outlawed in some countries, it is not explicitly condoned anywhere. In most countries, zoophilic sexual acts are illegal under animal abuse laws. In many jurisdictions, all forms of zoophilic acts are prohibited, others outlaw only the mistreatment of animals, without specific mention of sexual activity. Countries such as Belgium, Germany, and Russia are somewhere in between when reffering to the laws. They permit sexual activity with animals, but prohibit the promotion of animal oriented pornography. Laws on zoophilia are often triggered by specific incidents. While some laws are very specific, others employ vague terms such as "sodomy" or "bestiality," which lack legal precision and leave it unclear exactly which acts are covered. Bestiality remains illegal in most countries. Though religious and crime against nature arguments may still be used to justify this, today the central issue is the ability of non human animals to give consent. It is argued
Miguel Guerrero
April 9, 2012
Sex Offenders
Fred Argosino
Page 2 that sex with animals is inherently abusive. In common with many paraphilias, the internet has allowed the formation of a zoophile community that has begun to lobby for zoophilia or zoosexuality to be considered an alternative sexuality and for the legalisation of bestiality.
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